August 30, 2013

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I need crutches no more! Yay! On August 1st I had another x-ray and they determined my leg was strong enough to begin gradually walking on it. I began with walking around house then up and down stairs. It’s still tough because of the big ass brace but it’s so much nicer to do it on my own. The limping is a drag but still, I don’t have to use crutches! By the end of the month I should be able to take the brace off as well.

So a few days after I got my (still limited) freedom, Ryan said he was going to Boston and NYC and asked if I wanted to come. 2 words were my response. Hell. Yes. We packed up and hit the airport. My leg was not happy about the flight which the doctor warned be about before I left but I was still happy to get out of the house and go somewhere. Ryan of course was glad to see me excited about something. 

The reason for the trip was for skating of course so the guys were going to spending most of their time out and about, something I still couldn’t do. “I’m glad you came and are excited to be out of the house but now I feel like you’re just stuck inside in a different city,” Ryan said leaning on the bed.

I smiled at him, “It’s alright love, I’ll find something to do.” I moved over to him and kissed his cheek, “Go skate, get what you need done.”

“Why are you so awesome?” he asked with a smile.

I shrugged, “I don’t know, it’s a burden really.”

We laughed, “Alright, I’ll give you a call before dinner to see where you’re at and we’ll swing by and pick you up.”

“Kay,” I nodded.

He wrapped an arm around me then pulled back, “Give me a kiss.” I smiled and kissed him lightly before watching him grab his bag and board and head to the lobby to meet the guys.

After he was gone I gave a friend of mine a call. She’s a tattoo artist in NYC and since we’re going to be there in a few days I wanted to see if she could fit me in. After nabbing an appointment I tried to find something to do that day, in Boston. In case you didn’t already know, I’m a big history buff so I grabbed my camera and headed downtown to check out some historical sites. 

In the late afternoon I was in the Public Gardens. I had my headphones in and my camera to my face. After lowering the camera to view the photo I had just taken and while the current song ended, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and gently lifted me off the ground. When I turned I saw Ryan with a smile on his face.

“Surprise,” he laughed.

“Hi,” I hugged him then turned off my music. Looking over his shoulder I waved at the others then turned back to Ryan, “You guys come here to tear up the gardens?”

“No,” he laughed. “We were passing by when I saw a familiar leg brace.”

“Haha,” I shoved his shoulder as he took my hand and we walked to the van to go to dinner.

A few days later we were in NYC and it was the same situation. Ryan and the guys were off to skate. “What are your plans for the day?” he asked with his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck.

“I’m getting a tattoo,” I smiled.

“Uh, no fair.”

“Too bad, you have to skate,” I teased him.

He narrowed his eyes, “Have fun, I’ll see you later.”

“Kay, love you.”

“Love you too,” he hugged me then was gone.

A few minutes later I was in a cab on my way to the tattoo shop. When I walked in, a familiar head of red hair greeted me, “Jordyn!”

“Hey Megan!” 

We hugged and she looked down at my leg, “how’s the leg? No crutches are always good!”

I laughed, “Yeah, just got off them on the first so I guess it’s healing.”

She laughed, “Good. How’s Ryan?”

“He’s good, happy to be out skating NYC again.”

“Good!” She smiled. We talked about what I wanted and she sat me at her station then hit the drawing board. Megan Massacre is one of the best artists I know and I always love seeing what she draws next. 

After 6 and a half hours of needlework I had my newest and most rad addition to my collection of ink. It’s a full color phoenix on my side. I hugged my friend again, “thank you so much! I love it.”

“Yay! I’m glad, take care of that.”

“Always,” I laughed and waved before hobbling out of the shop. Ryan loved it of course. Now we’re back home and I really did have a good time. I was so happy to be able to get out of the house and do something. Love always!

My Journey: Becoming A Sheckler (Book 4) ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now