July 12, 2013

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I’m still on crutches because the therapist doesn’t want to chance disturbing the healing process. He said there’s already healthy calcium build up in the fracture sight that is healing it well so maybe by the end of this month or middle of next I can stop using crutches and the brace and just use the brace to keep support in my leg.

Oh and just to get the picture, the brace is one of those full leg braces that have metal rods in the sides to keep the leg from being jostled. It can be locked at the knee to keep it straight or unlocked to let the wearer walk in it. While I walk, it’s locked with my leg slightly bent so it’s more comfortable. It’s tight as hell and makes my entire leg itch as if I had a new tattoo. It. Sucks. Don’t break your leg or anything really.

Anyways, with that being said, the 4th of July wasn’t very fun for me. I couldn’t play games or do anything but sit there and watch. At one point I gave up and just went inside to sit on the couch and watch tv. 

I had my legs bent with my feet resting on the coffee table which isn’t comfortable but really nothing is at this point so I was beyond caring. After sitting inside for a couple hours I was insanely bored. I was flipping through channels when Ryan walked in.

He sat beside me then took the remote when I wouldn’t look at him. I sighed and turned my head, “What?”

“How long have you been in here?”

“Like 3 hours,” I sighed again, not surprised he hadn’t noticed.

He took my hand, “I’m sorry.” I shrugged. “Come outside, the fireworks are going to start I have blankets set up in the truck bed.”

I shook my head lightly, “Nothing is comfortable and I’m sick of these damn crutches.”

“Then leave them here,” he said, “put your arms around my neck.”

I sighed again and wrapped my right arm around his shoulders as he lifted me off the couch just as the EMT had lifted me out of my truck. When he stood up I reached my left hand up to link my fingers together. He carried me with ease out the door. When everyone say us the cheered, happy to see me outside. Ryan walked over to his truck and lifted me onto the tailgate. He then jumped up and helped get comfortable by his side with extra blankets under my left leg. 

Shortly after, the fireworks started in the distance and Ryan wrapped his arms around me. I didn’t really care about the fireworks, I just cared that Ryan did what he did so I could watch them. 

Later that night, he carried me back in the house and the festivities ended. Pretty much nothing else happening except I did get a call from David, the director at AMDA.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Jordyn, I heard about your accident. How are you doing?” He asked kindly.

I laughed lightly, “Well I’m doing alright now I guess. Been doing a lot of sitting around to rest my leg.”

“Any word on when you’ll be all healed?” 

“Not yet. Hoping to get off crutches soon then into therapy.” I didn’t even want to know what he was going to say next.

But he said, “Well we of course want you to get better and I definitely want you to come back to teach in the fall, I know that your students just love you.”

“Thanks David.” I said with a smile.

“It’s true,” he said. “If you can’t get back to 100% before September then maybe you can have a friend of yours fill in for you temporarily until you can return to us,” he suggested.

My Journey: Becoming A Sheckler (Book 4) ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now