"Honestly" I took a deep breath. "I'm actually fine."

"Atcher is such an ass. I was always team Austin."

I laughed, remembering when Lily told me that at the beach house.

We walked into the school. 3 more weeks until summer.

I can do this.


3 months later ~

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe the summer is already over!" Lily exclaimed, as we all sat around the bonfire.

"Senior year here we come!" I added, raising my Sprite into the air.

"Yes!" Chris joined in.

"I can't wait for Austin to come back" Jake said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Oh stop" I joked.

"I can't wait for his party" Lily said, snuggling up against Danny.

"Is Atcher coming to the party?" Jake wondered.

If you're wondering what the party is. It's a surprise welcome back party for Austin.

"He was invited. Austin and Atcher were best friends. They were inseparable. I don't want them to have to end their friendship because of me." I explained.

"So um have you heard from Atcher?" Chris asked.

"He tried talking to me a while go. But, I made it clear to him that I didn't want anything to do with him." I explained.

"But, Atcher did threaten Austin" Danny spoke up, a little late in the conversation.

"It's Austin's choice if he still wants to be friends with Atcher. I'm not gonna tell him what to do." I replied.

"That's a good way to think" Chris said, smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Oh! You guys all have to come early to help set up!" I informed them.

"Of course!" They replied.


I snuggled up in my bed and smiled when I thought of Austin coming back tomorrow.

We decided to wait to have a real relationship, until he came back.

The summer was really hard for us. We skyped, texted and called each other all the time. It just wasn't the same. I needed to see him in person.

Boys did come up to me, but I turned them down. Austin was the only guy I wanted.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep, with a smile on my face.


I woke up with joy.

Austin's surprise welcome back party is today!

He actually got back late last night. He wanted to see me right when we got here but, as much as I wanted to see him, I had to lie and tell him that I was at my aunts. I wanted to see him at the surprise party.

We made plans to meet at Chris's house because he was having a barbecue.

Which was fake, of course.

A few hours later, I got ready and headed to Chris's house.

I was wearing a simple white lace dress and gold sandals.

I walked up to Chris's house...Wait no it was more like a mansion. I looked around and gaped in awe. Everything was decorated beautifully.

There was a huge sign that said 'Welcome back, Austin!'

All of Austins friends were here. I even got his parents in on it.

"Hey! You look great!" Lily exclaimed, hugging me.

"Thanks! So do you!" I replied.

"I know, right?" She joked.

I laughed. "I love you" I said, wrapping my arms around her. "You're the best"

"Aww, stop" She said, wiping a fake tear away.

I looked around and my eyes widened in shock when I saw Atcher.

Our eyes met. I took in his appearance. He cut his hair and now had a beard.

He smiled and waved at me. I gave him a small nod and looked away.

I looked down at my phone. I had a message from Austin.

Almost there, can't wait to see you!

I almost freaked out.

"Guys! Hide! He's almost here! Make sure you're quiet" I yelled out to everyone.

Everyone hid behind the first thing they could find. Chris turned off the lights.

Now, the waiting.

I heard the front door open. My heart started beating faster.

I could tell he was a little timid to walk into a dark room.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone yelled. We all jumped out and Austin stood there in shock.

I let his parents greet him first and then I stepped forward.

His eyes locked on mine and he grinned.

"AUSTINN!" I screeched running towards him and wrapping my legs around him. I was pretty thankful I had spandex on at that moment.

He caught me and kissed me.

I heard everyone cheer. I got down and turned red.

I looked up at him and grinned. "Welcome back"


ITS OVER! That was the last chapter of Lost In His Arms. :(

YES, there will be an epilogue! so, look out for that!

I will also be starting a new story as well.

also, I'm looking for someone to make a cover for me. just message me, if you're up for it!

see you in the epilogueee! vote and commenttttttt

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