Chapter 44 - Sorry not sorry

Start from the beginning

While Olena's family could barely be called that - her alcoholic father had been out of touch since she was in her teens, while her mother was out enjoying the life she had missed out on in her younger years.

Olena was on her own.

And with Levi no longer a child, the court may very well have a change of heart.

Fear clutched at her heart, making her chest heavy and her breathing difficult, until she caught sight of Levi approaching - and her mood lifted.

"Hi honey!"

"Mom! Did we have something on today? I don't recall any..." Levi greeted her sheepishly.

"We didn't," Olena replied with a smile. "I wanted to surprise you. We had a good day at the office and I thought you deserve a treat for being a good sport through all those times I worked long hours."

"Cool! So where are we going?"

"Well... It's my treat to you, so you tell me where?"

"Uhm... Can we play at the arcade and then get some ice cream?"

"Sure honey. Just don't throw a tantrum when I beat you at one of those machines," Olena teased him.

"Come on mom, you just got lucky that one time!"

Laughing at Levi's pouting expression, Olena swore to herself she will find a way out of this mess - and it won't cost her her son.


It was almost midnight, and Patrick was still wide awake in his study, deep in thought.

He had already gotten over the shock of seeing Olena again after all these years, but his mind was still buzzing with his inner debate.

Part of him wanted to get back at Olena for all the pain he went through. But another part wanted to get back together with her.

He must be some masochist, Patrick chided himself. It wasn't even as if Olena welcomed him with open arms.

On the contrary, she seemed hell bent on avoiding him - even feared him - though Patrick couldn't fathom why. She was the one who did the hurting! What right did she have to be scared of him?

At the very least, he had expected her to feel guilty for making a fool out of him. He can still remember that day like it happened just yesterday.

Patrick had been on his toes that whole weekend, wanting to rush to Olena's side but at the same time held back by his promise to give her time.

And he gave her what she asked for, damn it. She didn't know how much willpower it took to stop himself from reaching out to her those two days.

At the same time, while he was waiting, he had been on a high. It was difficult to put into words the kind of rush he felt at the thought of finally being with her.

But as his calls went unanswered that Monday, he had sunk deeper and deeper into darkness. If it weren't for his friends, Patrick wasn't so sure if he would have been able to get out of that hell hole.

So no, she didn't have a right to be scared of him. She should instead he begging for his forgiveness

Anger, confusion, desire, longing all warred inside him and Patrick felt like he was being torn apart, limb by limb, in different directions.

But one thing was for sure - regardless what he wanted to do about it, Olena could still affect him like no other woman can.

She was still his Achilles' heel, and the plan that he had set in motion was proof of that.

When Bessy was telling him about Olena over lunch earlier that day, all Patrick could think of was that he had to keep Olena here at all costs. Somewhere where he could easily find her.

And holding on to her through her job was the best strategy he could think of. Because if anything, Olena was a stickler for professionalism, that much he knew.

So no matter how distateful or scary it was for her to see him again, Patrick was pretty sure she would be there at his office tomorrow as scheduled.

And despite his resolve, Patrick found himself looking forward to the next day.

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