Love, Jungkook /jikook

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"-Love, Jungkook."




Jungkook was walking home from work, his everyday routine. He decided to walk, because it's an excuse to think. To think about all his past mistakes, his future, if he even had one, and about.. him.

He made Jungkook so happy. He did everything for him. He cared.

He loved him.

And Jungkook loved him back.

And now, nobody does those things that he did.

Sure, Jungkook has friends. But ever since that day, he distanced himself. He rarely even goes out of the house, except for when he works. He has no motivation to. What's the point anymore?

Their relationship was better than ever. They had it all figured out.

But Jungkook knew. He wasn't the only one.

He pretended. Jungkook pretended not to know. When his boyfriend, Jimin, would come home at 2 in the morning. When his boyfriend would take any chance he gets to leave the house. When his boyfriend said he wanted 'alone time.'

Jungkook knew. He knew everything.

He just pretended he didn't. Little did Jimin know, when he left, Jungkook would stay at the house and cry. Tears, painting a sad expression on his face. He knew that Jimin was seeing someone else. It was obvious. Jungkook just didn't know what to do. He kept denying it. He kept saying to himself that he didn't have any proof, so it's all in his head. He said that he would only believe it once he sees it. Except, he already had enough proof. He had everything he needed, just didn't want to believe it.

What did he do wrong? That's all he would ever think. Negative thoughts polluted his mind. Everything that happened was his fault. What happened to Jimin was his fault. He wanted to be Jimin's one and only. He wanted to forget the past and what happened to Jimin.

Why wasn't he his one and only? What happened to Jimin?

He still doesn't know what he did wrong. Why Jimin would need someone else? No clue.

One night, Jungkook was thinking. he realized that he needed to stop. He was in an unhealthy relationship and just acted like everything was okay, when it obviously wasn't. He realized that he wasn't put on this Earth to convince people to stay. Either Jimin wanted him, or he didn't. Jungkook wasn't in a position to force Jimin to stay with him. Jungkook knew that there was no point in trying to fix things. If Jimin wanted to play around with other people, so be it. Jungkook was better than that. He wasn't going to throw away his pride and act desperate. If Jimin was going to act like this, then Jungkook didn't need him. He was going to throw Jimin away in place of his pride.


He walked out from his room and went downstairs. He saw Jimin talking on the phone. He heard a little bit of the conversation before Jimin had turned around. Once Jimin's eyes landed on him, he told the person on the other end to call him later, and hung up.

"What do you want?"

"To break up," Jungkook coldly stated as he started to walk out of the house. He needed Jimin to know that he was done, so he just got up and walked out, planning to come back later and do whatever he was going to do. He didn't know what he was doing, he had nothing with him and was threatening to leave. He needed to prove a point. He was acting on impulse. He loved Jimin, he really did. But right at this moment, he's had enough.

Jimin looked taken back.

"..What? What do you mean? "

Jungkook just kept on walking. Jimin followed him, trying to get his attention.

"Hey! I asked you a question!"

"I heard," Jungkook mumbled as he continued to walk. He was a safe distance away from Jimin at this point.

"Jungkook!" Jimin yelled, still trying to get his attention. He didn't know why he was acting like this all of a sudden.

"What?" Jungkook asked, annoyed. He crossed the busy road and just wanted to go somewhere to clear his head. He was tired of people using him and lying to him.

Jimin kept running after him. He was about to cross the road, too fed up with the situation to even notice.

Jungkook finally turned around to look at Jimin. He told jimin to stay on the other side. He just needed some time to cool off, he didn't know what he was gonna do after this. He wants to talk this out with Jimin, but not now.

Jimin didn't listen. Instead, he got to the busy road and started to run.

"Jungkook! Just listen, okay? We can talk this out!"

Jungkook watches as Jimin was sprinting across the busy road. Cars were beeping, slamming on their breaks, all because of Jimin.

"Jimin! Move!" Jungkook shouted, hoping Jimin would either hurry up and cross, or at least not be murdered by a car.

Jimin stopped in the middle of the road, staring back at Jungkook. He was crying. All the cars came to a stop, beeping and swearing at him, telling him to move.

Some cars were coming from the side, and one of them came fast at him.



Jungkook stared with wide, teary eyes, while others were panicking and calling 911. There was a myriad of people, all lined up, and had just witnessed the death of his boyfriend.

With shaky hands, legs, his whole body, he managed to come back to his senses. With one final glance, he turned away and started walking back home to pack his things.


Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts when he finally reached his house. Every day, every second. That's all he thinks about. That's the only thing ever on his mind.

He grabs his keys from his pocket and unlocks the door. He takes his shoes and jacket off, and immediately goes to the couch. He was so tired. Tired of everything.

Jungkook barely has any money either. He lived in a small apartment complex by himself, barely able to keep up with paying his rent. After the incident with Jimin, he's barely been able to keep up. Him and Jimin used to pay for everything together, split the money.

This was his life. Wake up, maybe go into work, if he felt like it, do absolutely nothing in the office, come home, regret his life decisions, and sleep. He's surprised he even still has a job. He barely gets up and makes the effort to drive there, but he guessed that he really is invisible. His own boss, friends, and co-workers don't even notice when he's not there.

From all of his thoughts, he fell into a deep sleep.


Hi everyone :) so, I just decided I'm gonna make this two parts. I've been working on this for so long, and it's only 1k words. I'm gonna post a second part soon, I just really wanted to post this to get people's feedback. This is the first thing I've ever wrote, but I think it's an okay start. This is like a mini story, the rest is gonna be posted soon!! Thank you for reading, and please comment any suggestions you have ♡

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