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hi to anybody who reads this :)

(read this paragraph if you want to, but please make sure to read the bottom paragraph)

Thank you guys for the votes and the reads on the last thing I published, it really means a lot. The reason I did a suggestion book, is because I wouldn't enjoy writing as much if I didn't have anybody to read it. I don't want to write all for my enjoyment, I want to be able to have people read my works and comment their thoughts about it. It inspires me to write more and work harder. I'm still taking suggestions, so please leave them in the comments! Tell me if you want any ships, locations, certain people, even the stories plot and I will try to write it. I would write it my own way, but still keep the characters and genre the same for whatever you guys want to read :)

Anyway, I've decided that I was going to write some 'short stories' or 'oneshots' for now. They'll probably still be long, but I dont think I'm ready to write a whole story with a fully developed plot and everything. Before I spend time writing a multi chapter story, I want to find my writing style and what I'm comfortable with first. Therefore, I'm going to stick to oneshots and short stories for now. They will all be in this collection, so if you plan on reading some or if you want to see a certain chapter, please add this to your library. Thank you!! ♡

(Also, I keep changing my username to find one that I like. I'm sorry if you get confused because you cant find my username(s), but I promise once I think of one I like i'll stop changing it 😔)

be ready for some updates y'all ;)

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