Chapter 29

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Not edited.

I must have fallen asleep eventually because the next thing i know my phone is ringing and it’s 5:30 in the morning

“Hello?” i ask sleepy

“Peyton?paige? Whoever it is come now! Were 9.5 cm dilated and about to pop! HURRY” with that the person on the other end hangs up and i’m moving as fast as lighting. I sprint to peytons room and slam the door open

“IT’S GO TIME! 9.5 CM DILATED! WERE ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY!!” i scream and she burst out of bed i slip on the first shoes I find and grab toby we run to the jeep and place sleeping toby in his carseat, well peyton does so i can drive. She hops in and I speed down the street.

“How is she doing?” Peyton asks rubbing her eyes to get rid of the sleep behind them

“I don’t know, I think it was grandpa that called and all her said was what i told you” I said responding

“I can't wait to meet the little one, were having a baby Paige!” she squeals waking up toby in the process.

“I know I can’t wait either! I wonder what it’ll be” I say

“I vote boy” Peyton says

“I think it’s a girl” I say

“Who pay pay” Toby asks from the back. He is not a fussy kid who cries when he wakes up, it’s the opposite actually he is always with a big smile.

“Our new baby sibling! Your going to have a brother or a new sister!” I say excitedly.

“Baby!” he squeals in delight.

“What do you want toby?”Peyton asks him turning in her seat to face him

“Food!” he shouts and we laugh

“Ok silly once we get there we will give you food, but what do you want a brother or a sister?” Peyton says

“Bwother” he say

“Why?” I ask

“Alweady have two seesters” he says and he makes a good point. We get to the hospital in ten minutes and run up to the fifth floor, not bothering to check in.toby is laughing and clapping in Peytons arms because he loves it when we run with him.

“Were here, is she pushing yet?” peyton ask and i laugh at the weird question and how she worded it.

“She’s just about to, you dad is suiting up” my grandma says kissing our cheeks

“Okay well, were going in to wish her luck” I say and head over to my moms room. We quickly wish her luck and tell her we love her. We give her a kiss which she returns to the three of us, with a quick hug then we are ushered out of the room and my dad goes in

“Be tough for her, even when you can’t be for yourself. If she breaks your hand, it’s out of love” I say to my dad as we pass by him. We also give him a quick hug and leave so my mom can deliver the little baby

After about an hour and a half later my dad comes out of the room, dressed properly instead of the blue scruffs he was wearing in the delivery room. He has a huge smile on his face and we all stand up to hug him, knowing that the baby is here.

“How is my daughter?” my grandpa ask

“She is perfect” he says with tears of love in his eyes

“And the baby?” pey and I ask

“Even more perfect if that’s even possible” he says

“Can we go in and see them?” my grandma ask.

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