Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
Not edited

We make it to the hospital doors and burst in running to the front desk. The secretary there looks up confused and worried when she hears us come in. when she sees that we are not physically hurt she relaxes. Before she can even speak we beat her to it

“Maria Wilson, in labour, room number now!” Peyton says breathlessly. The nurse/ secretary looks spooked and she types on her computer

“Sorry only family is allowed through” she says

“We are her daughters” I say and she looks at us with doubt. My mom is only 33 so to have 17 year old at that age sounds like a made up story.

“Yeah, i’m sure you are” she says and goes back to the computer “do you have ID’s?” she asks and I slam mine down on the counter.  She looks at it and turns to Peyton

“I don’t have mine” she says

“Well then she can go through (points to me) and you cannot.” the nurse says.

“Come on Miss we are Identical twin sisters, now give me the room number because if my mother has our sibling without us I swear I will get you fired!” I say with my voice dangerously low. She gulps and squeaks out the number 556 floor 5. I rip my ID from her grasp and we bolt to floor five.

The elevators ding and we run out into the waiting area where we see our dad with Toby.

“Dad! Where is she?” I ask breathless from all the running

“They just took her in to prep her for birth, but she’s only 3cm dilated.” he says. “What are you girls doing here anyways? Aren’t you supposed to be at school?” he asks

“Are you not supposed to be at work?” I ask back

“My wife is in labour with my kid on the way!” he ask bewildered that I even asks, just how he had asked us.

“Our mother is in labour with our sibling on the way!” Peyton says back.

“Oh, i get what you mean yeah i’m sorry i even asked girls. I’m just so nervous and -Toby! Don’t out that in your mouth!” my dad says and toby starts crying.

“Im sowwy daddy” he says wailing. I go over to him to calm him down.

“Hey bubba, look whos here” I say scooping him up in my arms and he cuddles up to me. When he sees Pey he reaches out to her and she takes him. He instantly calms down. Hopefully this new baby will be like toby is with peyton, but with me instead.

“What if i’m not ready to be a dad?” my dad asked worriedly making me hold back a giggle

“Pops, you are already a dad of three! What's one more? Plus look how Pey and I turned out, i think you did a fine job in raising us, and are going to do an even better job with the new kid since you have more experience.” I say reassuringly and give him a huge bear hug

“Thanks Pay, you always know what to say at the right time” my dad says giving me a kiss on my forehead.

“WE ARE HERE!” we hear a shout from the elevators that have barely open, we turn around to see my grandparents running towards us looking well, crazy. Huh guess that runs in the family.

“Did we miss it? Oh no we did, I told you ignacio we should have sped through that red light!” my grandma says

“Grandma, my mom still has not given birth, in fact your early” I say hugging her and my grandpa as a greeting.

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