'She's gone, too. They know she's from the Ark. They've taken her.'

Byrd watched as Harper was dragged from her cage and strapped down to the table, the drill pressed into her bone. The blonde sobbed, crying out for them to stop.

'Please. Stop,' Monty called; 'She's too weak.'

'Don't. Not again,' Harper croaked as the drill started.

'Hey, psycho. I thought you said I was first up on the list,' Byrd called as she kicked at the cage; 'You favouring her now over me?'

'Favouring?' The woman paused; 'That's what you call it.'

'Yeh, I though we were bonding whilst you stuck a drill inside of me. It was fun.'

Dr Tsing scowled at the smirk on the girl's face, knowing every word was sarcastic.

'Get you on the table,' She hissed.

Harper's chest heaved when she let out breath's of relief, being yanked up from the table and thrown back in her cage; Byrd being pulling out.

'You're going to need to strap her down,' Lorelei instructed.

'Oh, kinky,' She winked before laughed.

The doctor nodded once and the Delani girl received a swift punch to the face, only causing more laughter to leave her mouth. Lorelei cut open the freshly healed skin on her hip, starting up the drill before she leant over her; slipping it below her skin. The whirling of the drill started, Byrd's laughter fading away as she clenched her teeth; keeping her eyes set on the ceiling to hide her pain. Though the drill was suddenly pulled from her bone when the door to the room swung open, Dante Wallace striding in with guards.

'Busted,' Byrd chuckled.

'Mr President,' Dr Tsing stammered.

'Put that down,' The man demanded; 'Get away from that girl.'

'Jasper,' Monty yelled.

'Monty,' The said boy called as he ran into the room.

'Release him,' Dante demanded; 'Open it.'

'Open it!'

Byrd winced slightly as she sat up, blood staining the gown she had been placed in.

'The ground is our birthright. You can't keep us from that,' Lorelei stated, pissed.

'Watch me,' Dante stated simply; 'Lock her up.'

'Yes, sir,' The guard muttered.

'Go back to the dorm and tell your friends to pack their things. You're going home.'

'Thank you,' Jasper nodded.

The Delani girl waited until last to leave the room, limping ever so slightly as she headed back toward the main harvesting section. She looked over the weak grounders around her, eyes scanning to try and find Bellamy; pausing when she found a cage open.

'Hey,' She called to the woman in the cage beside it; 'Was there a boy in there?'

'Sky person,' The woman sneered.

'Yeh. Not what I asked. Was there a boy in here? Black somewhat curly hair, freckles.'

'He killed a guard and left with a girl from inside.'

She thought over the information, nodding to herself. Maya. She turned and retraced her steps, finding her way back to medical where she was surrounded by nurses. She shoved her way through them, refusing to let them touch her.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat