Your/She's Insecure

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*Tara Knowles*Tara has been more distant lately your worried something wrong with her but haven't asked yet.{Tara Pov}Cuddling with Sabrina on our bed watching Shameless Ima's words repeated over and over again in my head.{Flashback to that day still in Tara's Pov}Sabrina had went to get us some beers when Ima walked over sitting down beside me who says"what do you want Ima"she says"oh nothing just thought you might wanna know Sabrina's can do so much better and she will i mean your not her type she loves pornstars and blondes plus your not as pretty as you think"in a disgusted and serious tone standing walking away smirking realizing she got to me i felt tears in my eyes.{Back to the present Still Tara's Pov}I say"i'll be right back"she says"okay gorgeous"kissing my forehead while i stood and walked into our bathroom connectted to our room biting my lip looking into the mirror finding every single detail that doesn't match Ima description knowing she's right i'm just plain old Jane the girl who dresses like a tom boy basically doesn't have anything or the experiance that the pornstars have i'm a natural brown headed girl i'm not even pretty i'm so ugly. I didn't realize i was crying and was in the bathroom for atless 10 minutes until i heard Sabrina knocking saying"Babe Tara you okay"i say"yea i'm fine i'll be right ou.."she opened the door and said"why are you crying baby"in a worried and confused tone i sighed saying"i'm just feeling so insecure about what Ima sai..."she cuts me off saying"wait a minute what did she say"leading me back to our bed sitting us down me on her lap i say"she said you could do so much better then me that i wasn't your type that you loved pornstars and blondes and that i wasn't pretty"crying softly she wiped away my tears saying"don't listen to that slut okay your perfect in my eyes Tara Knowles"making me smile and kiss her.

*Cherry*Cherry never gets insecure like at all neither do you.

*Lyla*Lyla felt insecure watching you sitting on the couch in the club house staring up at the pole dancer with a lustful look drooling a little it made her feel so down and she left going straight home climbing into bed breaking down crying wondering if you'll realize that their more gorgeous better and have bigger tits then she does yea she's a pornstar but Lyla gets insecure about her small tits when seeing other girls who have bigger ones. You didn't found out why she left until a few days later when she came back and apologized confessing that she was jealous of those gorgeous pole dancer with big tits it made you frown feeling sad that she felt horrible about her appearance so you whispered"Lyla baby don't worry about them i love your tits just the way they are promise me you'll never think like that again"she promised before you two kissed.

*Kerrianne Telford*Kerrianne got insecure when she saw all of these pornstars and sweetbutts in short outfits that barely covered their bodies knowing that's what you use to go for before she became your old lady. She kept her insecureties hidden away until one of the pornstars Ima made fun of how.{Kerri Pov}Looking at all of these barely clothed pornstars and sweetbutts i felt insecure knowing this is what Sabrina like'd before i became her old lady i kept my insecureties hidden away until one of the pornstars Ima made fun of my clothes saying"Sabrina is totally going to leave you because baby girl she loves women not little girls who cover their bodies up by the way are you gaining weight cause it looks like it"in a teasing and innocent tone smirking widely noticing the tears in my eyes she says"awe are you going to cry like a little baby she doesn't like those either"I turned and ran into Sabrina's old dorm room shutting the door walking towards the full length mirror crying staring at my self pulling off my shirt and pants feeling disgusted cause my body is fat ew{but the thing is she isn't Ima got it stuck in her head and she believed every single word she said}and ugly. While continuing to stare at my disgustly fat and ugly body Sabrina walked in saying"baby girl what are you doin..."cutting herself off seeing the tears in my eyes i saying"Sabrina why are you with me"she frowned sitting down pulling me onto her lap saying"look at me Kerri i'm with you because i've fallen in love with since day one why are you crying"i say"Ima said you were going to leave me because you liked women not little girls who cover their bodies up and that i was getting fat"breaking down into her arms she clenched her jaw saying"what Kerrianna Telford don't you ever say that again your the only girl for me your gorgeous and perfect your not fat your skinny don't let her or any of those sluts say things like that to you ever again your an old lady they disrespected you so you can do what you want with them"kissing my forehead making me smile saying"okay"laying my head against her chest falling asleep.

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