Their First Thought About You

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*Tara Knowles*{Tara Pov}'I can't believe Sabrina lost a son to the same heart condition that Abel has i'm so sorry for her i wish i was here when that happened'

*Cherry*{Cherry Pov}' I can't believe Sabrina is the daughter Tig Trager one of the main Sons god she's beautiful'

*Lyla*{Lyla Pov}' It's been two years since the last time i saw Sabrina right before i graduated high school i've missed my best friend yea i'm two years older but still we clicked as soon as she started 9th grade and met during my 11th grade year she's still gorgeous as ever'

*Kerriane Telford*{Kerri Pov}' I miss my dad and best friend Sabrina who my dad introduced me to when they visited just her and him cause he wanted her to meet his family she's just to gorgeous i wonder if she's dating anyone yea she probably is'


*Jax Teller*{Jax Pov}'Fuck Sabrina's dating Marcus Alvarez's oldest twin son Gio Alvarez and has a daughter with him this is bad cause she's basically a son like the rest of us beside not being fully patched in cause Tara moved away with her Tara's beautiful as ever but i wasn't expecting Sabrina to became a gorgeous curvy and confident bad girl she was always that innocent little girl now it's all changed if they never moved she would probably be either a son or an old lady and Alicia would've been Juice's yea don't ask i just know they would've hit it off and been a great couple'

*Juice Ortiz*{Juice Pov}'It's been 4 years since Sabrina and i met i was nervous and shy around her when i first met her cause she was very confident flirty seductive gorgeous and curvy man was i shocked when i found out she was only 14 also was Tig's youngest daughter his baby girl at that we are the best friends now we have been since we realized we had the same things in common'

*Happy Lowman*{Happy Pov}'Fuck being in van with Viper i mean Sabrina is nerve wrecking cause she keeps getting closer and closer to me watching the guy we fixing to kill man she's gorgeous curvy and hot she has a feisty killer and evil side i like that in a woman god she smells like Roses and vanilla i just wanna wait stop it Happy one she's Juice's old lady two she's to young for you'

*Tig Trager*{Tig Pov}'It's been 3 years since we all actually met Happy's baby sister Sabrina it's hard being around her cause she's always so touchy flirty seductive and sexual all the time i think she's trying to get me killed by Happy cause it's mostly me she's always doing it to god she's so gorgeous and curvy fuck she drives me crazy'

*Chibs Telford*{Chibs Pov}' I don't know what's going to happen tonight at Marcus's daughter Sabrina's 19th birthday party i hope she doesn't try anything cause i don't wanna die tonight but that lass is gorgeous curvy and confident it's weird cause none of the women i know are like that'

*Kip*{Kip Pov}'It's been 8 months since i met Sabrina Morrow Clay's baby girl the soa princess she's actually nice when your on her good side but if you get on her bad side then your either beaten or dead cause she doesn't like people being awful towards the club god she's so gorgeous and confident i love her laugh'

*Esai Alvarez*{Esai Pov}'I had saved the life of Sabrina Telford daughter of Chibs Telford's life from her bf beaten and raped it pissed me off finding a screaming scared and crying 17 year old girl trying to get her bf off her so i tackled him off before shooting him in the head i remember seeing her shocked and surprised face she had got up and ran into my arms thanking me over and over saying how she had to back to the sons before her father got worried i was shocked to find out she was the sons princess'


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