He/You Cheated On You/Her

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*Tara Knowles*Tara found you fucking Ima in your old dorm room at the club house when she came to visit cause you had a long night so she knew you must be tired as fuck.{Tara Pov}After dropping the kids off at Gemma's i drove to the club house knowing Sabrina must be tired from all the runs they had today and tonight she called saying she wouldn't be home cause she drunk to much. Walking into the club house i looked around for Sabrina but couldn't find her i sighed before walking towards the dorm rooms but was stopped by Jax saying"i wouldn't go in there."getting cut off by me saying"move Jax"pushing him out of my way opening the door gasping letting the tears run down my face as Sabrina stopped eating a smirking Ima out she says"fuck Tara"i shook my head saying"don't come home"turning and running through the club house outside stopping at my car hearing her screaming"TARA BABE WAIT FUCK IT WAS A MISTAKE PLEASE"begging for me to forgive her but i shook my head screaming"NO GO BACK TO THAT FUCKING SLUT SABRINA WE ARE DONE I HATE YOU"slapping her in the face opening and climbing into my car cracking the engine speeding out of the parking lot heading home pulling over to the side of the road when the tears wouldn't stop falling so i sat there in my car crying replaying the imagine of Sabrina and that slut Ima in my head i whisper"no Tara stop thinking about it".

*Cherry*You wouldn't cheat on Cherry ever not even when you guys fight

*Lyla*You cheated on her with Ima she didn't caught you fucking but she did caught you slipping on your clothes while Ima walked out of the bathroom in one of your shirts.{Lyla Pov}Sabrina didn't come home last night it worried me but i knew she was at the club house so i decided to visit to make sure she's okay. Walking i glanced around noticing everyone of the guys were asleep and walked down the hall opening Sabrina's dorm room door saying"hey babe"smiling walking in kissing her she says"Lyla what are you doing here"glancing at the bathroom door worriedly i say"i came to check on you wh..."cutting my self off watching Ima walk out of the bath in Sabrina's shirt she froze saying"oh Lyla hi"smirking a little i turned back towards a guilty looking Sabrina screaming"HOW COULD YOU FUCKING DO THIS TO ME GOD SABRINA WHY I LOVE YOU"slapping her in the face before turning and running out of her room crying hard pushing passed Opie and Jax who both were heading towards the front of the club house.

*Kerrianne Telford*Kerrianne caught you and Ima kissing it broke her heart she slapped you in the face not letting you explain that Ima did that to make her jealous and mad.{Kerri Pov}Walking out of Sabrina's dorm room towards the front i sighed glancing around looking for Sabrina my eyes stopping on her and a pornstar named Ima who glanced over Sabrina's shoulder before kissing her my heart broke i let the tears flow down my face while storming over taping Sabrina on the shoulder she turned smiling but frowned saying"wait Kerria.."getting cut off by me punching her in the face screaming"I HATE YOU SABRINA I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING"running out of the building sitting on the bench breaking down crying hard knees against my chest feeling broken and betrayed i gave her my virginity just for her to kiss some pornstar.{Chibs Pov}I ran towards a groaning Sabrina while Fiona ran out to Kerrianne Sabrina says"Chibs i didn't do anything Ima kissed me when seeing Kerrianne i would never do that"i nodded saying"I know Ima's a slut remember Kerrianne just saw it the way she thought she did she felt hurt and betrayed i promise she'll listen she's just stubborn like me and her mother"making Sabrina giggle saying"yea she is"frowning letting me clean and fix her nose she says"she packs a mean punch by the way"i say"really"smirking proud that my daughter can take care of her self.

*Ima*You wouldn't cheat cause Ima's all you need


*Jax Teller*You caught Jax fucking your older sister Tara in his dorm room at the club house.{You Pov}Realizing Jax and Tara both have been gone a very long time i started worry and went to look for them i knew Tara went to the bathroom and Jax had to get something in his room. I knew he wouldn't cheat or would he hearing moaning i ran faster freezing outside his dorm room door listening trying to place the moaning somewhere else instead of his but no it's coming from inside his room i covered my mouth feeling tears in my eyes hearing my big sister Tara moaning"AH JAX AH FUCK I'M CUMMING". I slammed the door open making them separate Tara falling to the floor cause Jax was fucking her against the wall he says"fuck Sabrina"i shook my head saying"i can't believe this Jax don't bother coming home"slamming it back shut and stormed down the hall i could hear him running after my crying form before i opened the front club house door he caught my wrist making me spin and stare up at him feeling betrayed broken and confused he says"please Sabrina wait it was a mistake i..."i cut him off by punching him in the face screaming"JAX YOU SHOULDN'T OF EVEN DONE IT JAX WHY HER WHY MY SISTER ARE YOU STILL IN LOVE IF SO JAX JUST TELL ME BEFORE I GET EVEN MORE HURT THEN I ALREADY AM"breaking down not caring that everyone is watching us. Jax screams"FUCK SABRINA IT WAS A MISTAKE OKAY TARA WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE I DON'T LOVE HER I LOVE YOU JUST PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME"tears in his eyes as he begged me not to leave him i sighed saying"Jax we need space okay if you really love me then you'll give me space"kissing his forehead before walking out of the club house getting on my bike reeving the engine before speeding out of the parking lot.

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