Captain Torshiro Hitsugaya (Valentine's Day)

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(Name) hummed a tune as she sat on a bench as she waited for Captain Hitsugaya to come from training with Lieutenant Matsumoto. They had begun to train so they would be able to stand a chance against Aizen.

(Name) has practiced earlier so she could possibly spend more time with Captain Hitsugaya. (Name) finally sat down on a bench as she looked up at the sky to watch the clouds. The (Hair color) haired girl then looked down the path to see no one around. She sighed in boredom.

"Hey (Y/n)!" (Name) turned to her right to see Lieutenant Matsumoto. (Name) smiled as she watched Matsumoto run towards her while waving wildly. (Name) smiled as she saw Captain Hitsugaya slowly walking behind Matsumoto.

"Hey Matsumoto. How was training?" The (Hair Color) haired girl asked as Matsumoto hugged her tightly.

"Great until someone started complaining."

"I was only complaining because you wouldn't shut up." Torshiro retorted as he watch Matsumoto unlatch herself from (Name).

"Well it's true that-" Torshiro cut Matsumoto off by freezing Matsumoto.

"Let's go." Torshiro grabbed (Name)'s hand and grabbed her away from the frozen Matsumoto.

"Um Captain is it okay to leave Matsumoto frozen?" (Name) asked as Torshiro shrugged.

"She will be fine." He responded as he stopped in front of a meadow.

"Hey Torshiro isn't this-"

"-where we met? Yes." Torshiro interrupted as he grabbed her by the shoulders. He moved his hands from her shoulders to grab both of her hands.

"Why did you bring me here?" (Name) asked curiously as Torshiro smiled.

"I need to tell you something." Torshiro said as he began to feel his heart pound against his chest. He watched as (Name)'s eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Well what it?" Torshiro then took this opportunity to kiss (Name). Her (eye color) orbs widened as she slowly proceed what was happening.

It wasn't long until Torshiro pulled back as he looked at the blushing girl in front of him.

"I love you (Name) and I was hoping that you would be mine after today." Torshiro said confidently, but inside he was a nervous mess.

"I love you too Torshiro and of course I'll be yours. I wouldn't want to be anyone else's" (Name) revealed as she pecked his lips causing him to smile.

"Come on let's go sit down." (Name) suggested as she pulled Torshiro along with her.

They arrived at a willow tree that sat on a hill. Torshiro sat down and pulled (Name) down onto his lap. Torshiro smiled as he leaned against the tree. He was glad this was what would be waiting for him once he was done training.

"Oh I almost forgot. Happy Valentines Day Torshiro."

"Happy Valentines Day (Name)"

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