Captain Gin Ichimaru (April Fools)

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Today was a beautiful sunny day in the Soul Society. But today wasn't like most days, it was April 1st. One of (Name)'s favorite days.

Unfortunately (Name) had to spend the day with her Captain. Her Lieutenant had volunteered her for the job.

(Name) walked to where Captain Gin lived. She held her breath as she knocked on his door.

"Captain Gin. It's me (Y/n)." (Name) called. The soul reaper then heard a loud crash.

"Captain Gin are you okay!?" (Name) asked as she opened the door to reveal Gin with his usual smirk.

"Worried about me (Name)?" He teased. (Name) shook her head.

"Oh so you don't care about your Captain?" He presses as (Name) shook her head.

"I do."

"Then why didn't you just say so?" Gin smirked. He loved making her flustered.

"Well what I owe this pleasure?" He asked as he watched the (hair color) haired girl look anywhere, but him. This caused him to chuckle.

"Well sir I was wondering if you wanted company today." She but her lip. She didn't want to slip that she was being forced to be here.

"No need to be so formal with me love." He said as he walked closer to her. She held her breath once more are he began to play with the ends of her hair.

"I would like company today (Name). Preferably your company." His words caused (Name) to blush. She was feeling her heart race.

"Um s-s-sure Captain." Gin smirked as he grabbed her hand.

"Let's go have fun." He said as he pulled (Name) away from his room. He was going to have fun with her.

"Where are we going?" (Name) asked as Gin smirked.

"Somewhere." He responded as a Soul Reaper appeared in front of them.

"Captain Gin. (Last Name) (Your Name), Lieutenant Matsumoto wants to inform you that the prank war is on." This caused (Name) to laughed.

"Don't tell me she fell for it." The Soul Reaper nodded as the (hair color) haired girl began to laughed.

"Thank you for informing me." The Soul Reaper then disappeared as (Name) turned to Gin, who was frowning.

"What's wrong?" (Name) asked Gin.

"Nothing." He stated.

"Please tell me." (Name) pleaded. Gin sighed.

"It's just I wanted to spend time with you." Gin said as he pulled (Name) against him.

"Oh." She said as she her cheeks heated up.

"You're cute when you blush." Gin said as he trailed his finger against her cheek.

"Please tell me you're not messing with me." Gin smirked at her reaction. He leaned close enough so their lips were barely touching.

"Find me later and I'll tell you later." Gin said as he backed away. He smiled as he began to walk away from her.

(Name) smiled as she turned around. Off to Rangiku's house she went.


(Name) laughed quietly as she hid behind a tree. She had ran away from Rangiku. She peeked around the tree. She smiled as she saw her covered in yellow paint.

"(Name)! What the hell!" She yelled. The (hair color) haired girl walked away from the tree as she held her hands behind her back.

"Hahaha. You said you wanted a prank war, so I gave you one! It was worth it!" Rangiku rolled her eyes as she continued to stomp her way towards her.

"You should really give up Rangiku! There's no way you're going to win. I have four successful pranks while you have one! I need one more then I win!" Rangiku pulled out a pie. (Name) smiled as they both shoved the pies in each other's faces.

"I win!" (Name) said as she wiped the frosting from her eyes. Rangiku did the same thing.

"Nice move (Name)." Rangiku said as they laughed together.

The duo began to laughed together. They wiped off the pie and cream from their faces.

"Well I'm going to wash up. Goodbye Rangiku." (Name) said as she waved goodbye. She arrived at her home when she noticed a not at the door.


I was just wondering if you wanted to meet me at the entrance to our unit. Wear something casual. I need to tell you something.

Love, Gin

(Name) smiled at the note. She did however wondered what Gin was going to tell her.


(Name) smiled as she looked in the mirror. She had chosen to wear casual human clothes. It was a simple T-shirt with a basic pair of jeans. The girl then left her home and walked to their meeting place.

She soon felt a pair of arms around her. (Name) smiled as she realized it was Gin who was behind her.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked as she felt Gin press his lips on her shoulder. She shivered as Gin chuckled.

"I wanted to talk about us." Gin said as (Name) blushed. What was there to talk about?

Gin turned (Name) as he kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. Damn, he was totally into her. He pulled away as he saw her flustered face.

"Today may be April Fools but I couldn't resist you any longer. I love you (Nickname)."

"I love you too Gin." Gin smiled as he saw her (eye color) orbs glistened with happiness.

"Now let's go have fun together." Gin suggested as (Name) rolled her eyes.

"Slow down. I may have said I love you, but we still need to go on a date or three."

Bleach One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें