Chapter 17

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Writers Note
What's up guys make sure u follow me Lets be friends
Hey guys i so sad :(my mom at work and I wanted to make spaghetti butt the stove not working. All the food we have needs a stove-oven.  I am so sad now all we have is jalapenos and. I love spicy food so.  ... I ate same and my mouth is on fire... 
Pray for me xoxo
Stay tuned-

Liam pov
"Harry what the hell are u doing"?
"stay away from Zendaya".

What was he talking about.

"are we talking about the same Zendaya".

He rolled his eyes and said"Shut the fuck up".

I laughed and tested him by saying"Why u wouldn't want me telling her ur past. "

He then said"It was all her boyfriend fault".

I laughed and said well see about that and he grabbed my wrist. I pushed him off and punched him in the noes.  He then tried to run full speed at me and I moved out the way.  He crashed into the floor.  I laughed and smirked.  He then kicked me.  And I grabbed his leg and flipped him he then punched me in the face and I notice a crowd forming.  I didn't care.  I yelled" fat ass". As I pushed him in his stomach.  That's when I heard sirens and and the Two male cops came up to us with guns and said" Get on the ground now or we will shoot ,one of them ".yelled

I got on the ground and so did Harry.  That's when they put us in handcuffs and started telling the crowd to move unless they wanted to join us.  Everyone started to walk away slowly and that's when I notice Zendaya. She was watching confused.
How long was she here?
I frowned and got in the cop car.

Harry pov
"Stay away from Zendaya I said".

"Are we talking about the same Zendaya he asked.

This dumb shit head.  What other Zendaya was I talking about.  He was playing dumb.

"Shut the fuck up i yelled".

He smirked and said "Why you scared I gonna tell her about ur past".

This sick shithead was threatening me?

"it was all her boyfriend fault "I said. 

He laughed and tried to walk away I grabbed his wrist and he punched me.  Before I knew it we were fighting and a crowd had formed.  I tried to run full speed into but I fell on my head.


"Get on the ground or we will shoot" one cop informed us".

I been in enough trouble with cops to know to do what they say.

One cop put hand cuffs on me and I spotted Zendaya.  She looked at me and Fuck face Liam.  I groaned and got in the cop car.

Liam pov

They called me in for Questioning". When I went there was 3 cops sitting down with a clip board. 
"So tell me how this started".

"well me and him know each other we were best friends but not anymore,  he is a horrible person so I don't deal with him. " I stopped as they wrote it down the man looked at me so I kept talking "he told me to stay away from a girl that I like and when I tried to walk away he grabbed my wrist and I punched him".
He wrote it down and said"I am going to let u guys go after I question him.  Mr. Walsh The main police cop will drive u guys home. I nodded and walked outside and gave Harry a death stare as he walked in the room. 

Harry pov
I sat down and the police officer looked at me and said"So tell me how this Started".
"this ugly donkey punched me and threatened me". I said.

"what did he say" the man asked

I couldn't tell him he would ask Liam and Liam will tell him about what I did a long time ago.  What me and Zayn did to that poor-

He coughed cutting me from my thoughts
"nevermind he didn't say anything i got confused".

The police man said" OK I going to let u guys go Out main officer will drive u guys home, don't let this happen again".
"yes sir".

I walked out and saw the police Officer who was taking us home waiting with Liam.  I rolled my eyes and sat down. Liam sat down and looked out the window so did I.  I wasn't going to deal with him.  He was a little bitch.  I knew he would tell Zendaya about r
What me and Zayn did in the past I knew I had to tell her before Liam did.  I knew if she knew she would hate us. 

When the man dropped me off I got out and knocked on Zayn door.  He opened and I walked in.  "what the Fuck he yelled".

"Liam is back and he going to to tell Zendaya". I yelled.

"What how does he know her?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know".

"Wait a minute he the one who hugged Zendaya and she slept over his house he looks so different ". Zayn said.

"wait why in the world was Zendaya sleeping over his house"?

"don't worry about it Zayn said".

"Fuck I need to go to her job". Zayn said

"I coming".

Me and Zayn ran out the house and got in his car we drove to her job. I hope we are not too late.

Writers note(Authors note
Hey guys how do u like this chapter:) Wattpad app is working like normal again I so happy.  Anyways I know a lot of my friends have been asking me to read there stuff and one of my friends wrote such a amazing book.  Its a love story too. I am in love with it and I hope u like it please go check it out! It is called After.  It such a great book! Please visit her page and tell her I sent you:))When she reads this she will know I haven't told her LMAO. Also who wants to hear a  story .....

So a long time ago my older brother being the dummy he is went in my phone and went on my snapchat. He then posted a picture of me and my best friend Chris. The picture was a picture of his arm over me and me doing a hand sign and Chris is a year older than me.  He then wrote that " I loved Chris and me and him were dating and that we were keeping it a secret a secret  because of these dumb ho*s "(yes he wrote that)I have 2 snaps a family on and a private one.  Guess which one he posted it on..  Yup family one and my step dad was so mad.  Him and my mom are not together but he texted me and he like "WHO THE HELL IS CHRIS I NOT SAYING DONT DATE, I cant control you BUT HAVE SOME RESPECT TO UR self I am so disappointed marriah"I then tell him it was my brother he didn't believe me .....when I notice it  ... Guy it was up for about 2 hours guys.!  And I know what ur thinking why don't I have a password on ur phone.  I do but I guess u found out how to get in KY snapchat so I changed it and now he doesn't know it thank god!He tried to say it wasn't him so when he left his phone out and open I went in instagram and wrote on his Story" I am gay,  I have a bf don't judge me I think it time I came out". And all his friends started dming him saying OMG I knew it like LMAO!!  Comment below a story that u have about prank Wars bettwen u and someone, I could write a book about all the things me and brother done to each other *rolls eyes*
I got him back
Till next time,

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