"I have to head back into the studio today."

Namjoon was confused by what he had just heard. He turned Yoongi around to face him,

"I thought that yesterday was your last day interning? We were supposed to sleep in together today since I don't have work either." he said, eyebrows cocked.

"I have to go in to get my stuff, but we can still eat breakfast together. I made your bacon just how you like it~" he offered up as a sacrifice, hoping that bacon would make up for lying to his partner on some sort of astronomical plane of existence at least.

"I'll set the table."

They shared out their food and ate, sitting on the same side of the table rather than across from each other. They preferred to sit like that because in their opinion, being able to hold hands under the table was better than just staring at your partner eating, despite how adorable their mannerisms may be while doing so.

When they were done eating, Yoongi tried to clear the table, only to be stopped by Namjoon, who took the plates from his hand and went to wash them instead.

"You know that I can do them, right?" Yoongi said from his place at the table.

"I know, but don't you have to go to work?"

"You sound a bit salty, my love. I won't be leaving you for that long..."

Yet a couple of days had passed and Yoongi was still going into work under the excuse that they were "short handed and needed help". Namjoon was feeling a bit alone, since Yoongi typically left home before him, and got home after him as well. He didn't even have time to visit the cafe as he usually did, and Namjoon was growing weary of his newfound practice.

"Hyung, what do you think I should do?" he asked Jin, who was currently drying a dish with a cloth in the kitchen of 'Peaches and Cream'.

"I think that you need to talk to him. You shouldn't keep your troubles to yourself, especially if they concern him." he put the glass down. " I'm sure he's just overwhelmed with everything that's going on. He used to be a social recluse, you know."

"The thing is that I have tried to, and he keeps shutting me down with lies. I miss the days that I could wake up to him being in my arms instead of the empty space that I'm getting used to."

"Joon..." Jin stopped what he was doing to hug the barista. "Maybe after work we all should hang out? If Yoongi comes, so be it, but if he doesn't that's okay too. You were a whole person before you met him, not half a being. Now you're still you, and you will always be. Don't forget that."

"Thank you, I really mean it. I'll try calling him afterwards to check up on him at least."

And sure enough, after a day filled with taking orders and making drinks, Namjoon's shift came to an end. Jin was in the kitchen making cake batter for the next day, while Taehyung was wiping down tables. Namjoon quickly finished washing dishes and went outside to make the phone call. He stood on the empty sidewalk the lights from the buildings around him making the streets seem less abandoned, and the thumping of his heart louder than that of the dial tone.

-" Hello? Joon? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, hey...How are you?"

"I'm good but why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be at work?"


"Oh, well my shift just ended and I wanted to see if you're free right now. Maybe we could-"

"Can you hang on for a second?"

Namjoon could hear the muffled sound of Yoongi's voice telling a crowd of people to be quiet since "he's on the phone".

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