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Although Namjoon was still deep in thought, he heard the constant rhythm of rain beating against the windows of the empty library. He also heard a banging noise, but played it off in his mind as a tree branch hitting the side of the building.

Suddenly, he heard the banging noise a bit louder, along with a seemingly pissed off voice coming from the front entrance.

"HEY, PERSON WORKING IN THE LIBRARY! HURRY UP AND OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR!" a mysteriously deep voice yelled, which broke Namjoon out of his trance.

He observed the person as he approached the door, having a battle with himself over whether or not he should open the locked door to a stranger after hours. The part of him that was too kind for his own good quickly won over because, how much trouble could this small, good-looking man be?

A lot actually, but Namjoon had yet to learn that.

Namjoon opens the door and is met by a grumbling, as well as drenched Yoongi, pushing him to the side so that he can enter the building.

After a couple of seconds of Namjoon staring at Yoongi in a rather shocked manner, he finally forces himself to say,
"Um excuse me, the library is currently closed for the day, but it'll be open again tomor-"

He gets cut off by an intrepidly disrespectful Yoongi, who says with an exasperated huff,

"Don't you think that I realized that," he glances down at Namjoon's crooked nametag that was hastily pinned to the left pocket of his shirt previously that morning, " Namjoon? And if you couldn't tell by my overly saturated attire that is, by the way, creating a massive puddle in the middle of the room, it is raining outside. I, for one, do not like to be caught in the constant downpour, so if you would be so kind as to get me a change of clothing while I wait out the rain in here, then maybe I might come back tomorrow."

Now from all the things you know about Namjoon so far, from his love of cute things like crabs, and his soft way of dressing, to his self-loathing ways, then you would think that he would just roll over and allow himself to be treated this way.

Well then, you would be wrong.

Namjoon was not having any of his attitude.

"If you think that I'm going to help you out after you so rudely demanded me to let you stay here, and to get you some dry clothing, then you might as well leave, mister whatever-your-name-is. This is not a hotel, and I don't have to do anything for you that I don't want to."

Yoongi was dumbfounded. He was simply too stunned at what came out of the others mouth to even react. The blonde thought that the man would simply conform to whatever he'd say without a second thought. Instead, he was sassed into realizing that he was being pretty rude, and that he had to be somewhat nice to him if he wanted to avoid catching pneumonia from standing in the rain all night.

"Wow. I mean, I'm sorry for acting like that way to you. I shouldn't have been like that. My name is Min Yoongi, by the way." he said with a smile.

By then, Namjoon had already forgiven him for being arrogant, and told him to wait there until he returned with some of his own spare clothing, which was a fuzzy pink sweater with white ripped jeans. Namjoon left Yoongi's dead phone on a table, connected to a charger.

"Here. They might be a bit too big for you, but at least they're dry. You can change in the bathroom if you'd like to."

"A pink sweater? Really? Thank God nobody else is here." And just like that, Yoongi began to change his clothes in the middle of the library, with a shy Namjoon covering his face.

Yoongi glanced over at the bashful man with a playful expression.

"You don't like what you see?"

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