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Waking up in the morning to a 181cm man laying on your chest every day isn't the most comfortable thing, but Yoongi wouldn't want to have it any other way.

Straining his neck to gaze upon the face of his sleeping lover before he woke up was the best way to start his day. The way the strands of hair fell onto his face was the same way Yoongi fell in love with him: slowly, and then all at once. Yoongi carefully moved the hair, parting it to the side of his face.

Namjoon slept peacefully, breathing in and exhaling with short huffs of air.

So cute

Yoongi finally found the willpower to move away from Namjoon, but not before giving him a kiss on the cheek. He then got up, and went to the bathroom, getting ready for his interning position at an entertainment company.

He got into the shower, closing the steamy glass door shut and turning the temperature of the water to a lukewarm, rather than the boiling hot that he would usually put up with when showering with Namjoon. He combed through his blond hair, silently reminding himself to either get it re-bleached or to dye it all black due to the very apparent roots growing in.

Today was a very special day for Yoongi, but he couldn't tell Namjoon, although he would find out sooner or later. He was being interviewed for a permanent position as a producer. He wanted it to be a surprise for the other since he worked so hard for it and it was finally within his grasp.

He stepped out of the shower, grabbing a red fluffy towel off of the silver hook on the wall. He quickly dried off, wrapped himself in his towel, and left the bathroom to get dressed in his and Namjoon's master bedroom. He still wasn't used to the fact that they lived together in their own apartment.

He remembers the day they moved out of their shared apartments with a sense of nostalgia. Granted, it was only a couple of months ago, but that didn't take away the vintage feel of the memory.

On that Sunday morning, Namjoon woke him up early with a shout because he spilt coffee on himself. The aroma of the strong brew reached his nose and before he knew it, his normally censored boyfriend was swearing like a trucker. Yoongi had helped him to remove his clothing in the bathroom and rushed him into a cool shower, while he cleaned up the sticky mess. That day was stressful, but isn't all days that hold importance?

That was the day they officially moved into the building they now call home. It was a nice, but affordable 2 bedroom apartment in case any of their friends decided to stay over for the night. They found it a week before their moving day, and by the time the day had approached, Yoongi was already out of his old room, and was bunking with Namjoon. It was a bit cramped and 4 men with intercepting schedules sharing 1 bathroom was nearly impossible, but they somehow made do. They carried their dozens of boxes into the elevator and made trips to the moving truck, packing all of their belongings in it. Jin even closed down the cafe that day, while Jimin and Jungkook took a day off to help them move into their new place.

Most importantly, he still remembers the promise he made to Namjoon that night when they were cuddling on the couch in their living room.

It was that no matter what, he would be there for him, through thick and thin. He would tell him about everything, and that he would work on communicating with others. But most importantly, Namjoon would always come first in his eyes, and nothing would ever change that.

Yoongi was broken out of his recollection of fond memories, finally dressed and making breakfast when he felt Namjoon wrap his long arms around him, still in his pj's.

"Someone's finally up, sleepyhead."

"It's only because my arms were empty since you were missing. Why are you up this early anyway?"

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