Chapter 1

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The impenetrable darkness of the night sky was slowly but surely brightening up, giving way to the approaching dawn. As I struggled up the hill, I could already feel the subtle warmth of the rising sun that stretched over my back.

Ahead, the trees bathed in a vibrant glow, the colorful canopy protecting the soil and animals below from the rising sun. We still had a ways to go but with the wind blowing in my face, I could finally catch the scent of the Black Ridge Pack.

We were getting close. Dangerously so.

Leaves and branches crunched behind me, making me look back to see little Emilia running up the hill. Seemingly with limitless energy, kicking through loose leaves that had naturally piled up beneath the trees.

A soft smile curled my lip as I called out to her, watching as she jumped up, hands releasing a bunch of the leaf litter and sending it in a spray through the air.

Emilia's vibrant eyes locked with mine, breath visible in the nippy morning air before she grinned widely, closing the remaining distance between us.

"Are we there yet? I'm getting a little bit tired." She muttered breathlessly as she took my hand. Even with her relatively happy demeanor and childish antics, she was clearly suffering.

Her eyes might've been vibrant but at times she became distant and quiet, eyes darkening until she seemed nearly lifeless..

Scarred by the recent events that had deprived her of her parents and birth pack.

No child should ever witness the deaths of their parents, especially not by those that are considered family. People she trusted, people who had sworn to protect the rest of their pack.

Sadly, there was no way to turn back time, no way to bring her parents back to life. The only thing I could do, was bring Emilia to her relatives' pack and hope she was strong enough to push past these scarring events.

"Almost but not quite pup." I replied, crouching as she reached up before I grasped her gently under her arms. Arms that quickly wrapped around my neck before she crowed with excitement as I lifted her further until she was seated on my shoulders.

It helped that I wouldn't tire my arms out as much compared to holding her in my arms, but she was also clearly visible from upon my shoulders.

Something that would make the pack hesitate and think twice from attacking us on sight. I hoped. Border patrol would be the first to sight us approaching the pack and while they usually fought back intruders, I hoped that the sight of Emilia would at least give them enough pause so I could explain why we were there in the first place.

Emilia quickly nestled in, resting her chin on the top of my head before she kicked her legs with excitement.

"Nice excuse to let me carry you around, miss I'm-so-tired" I teased, grabbing a hold of her lower legs so she wouldn't fall off my shoulders.

The cute smile she flashed my way showed that I caught onto her little scheme before her fingers tangled gently in my hair. "Can't you just shift in your wolf? We'd get there a lot faster than in walking." Emilia said, giving a little tug on my hair as if anticipating that I'd shift right that instant.

Instead, I gave her legs a gentle squeeze from where they were kicking against my legs, almost as if she was encouraging a horse to go faster.

I snorted, shaking my head and gaining a giggle from Emilia as I tilted my head back to look at her.

"I'm not a pony or a horse, Emilia." I said only half-jokingly, halting her playful kicks with a firmer squeeze. She rolled her eyes with a little huff. "Of course not Lyra, you're a werewolf. You change into a wolf, not a horse." She explained matter-of-factly, as if I had been questioning her intelligence.

From Alpha to OutcastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora