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Hiya this is Emmie, that's what my friends call me.I have white-ish blonde hair with black streaks. I'm just about to twenty, and at my school, we have a boy, he's popular but isn't. Anyway, I'm just a normal girl at the school and a dance is about to come up.

I have this crush on Leo Valdez. Everyone says that he's unpopular and what's that word they called him, oh yeah an elf. Can like the jocks just shut up for once? So, they like to bully him. They think I'm just a normal girl, which is wrong, I wear fandom shirts and hate to go shopping unless it's something I need.


It was a normal day at school, that's what i thought. My friends, they are awesome, would help me ask Leo to the dance. I hope he'll say yes! After English I went to ask him, boy, I chose the wrong time. The jocks were pushing him around till i stopped them. "Leave him alone." I demanded pushing them out of the way. "Stop being huge freaking jerks, and go to your many girlfriends." 

The jocks glared at me before leaving knocking me to the ground, I scratched my hand pretty badly. "You okay?" Leo asked helping me up. "Thanks for standing up for me." He added quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said smiling a little. "You're welcome. Those boys are jerks to everyone. I'm Emma," I said wiping some stuff from my Dalek shirt. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me."

"I'm Leo Valdez, " Leo said "I would love to go to the dance with you." 

I was happy, many girls would be jealous. Now I just had to plan what to wear, because I thought I wasn't gonna go, but now I am! I would have to watch for the jocks and popular girls, both are HUGE jerks.

A:N Ok, I'm gonna end it there, this one if really really bad, I'm sorry about that. Please remember that I'm going through hard times, okay? So I would love you guys if I'm not rushed. That sounded mean, sorry. I really need someone to talk to, my FORMER best friend is pretending like I suck at writing so, she said I'm not going to read your stories, Or follow you because you have more readers and follows I have. " <- That's what I'm dealing with, and it's really hurtful to me. Anyway, I hope you guys understand why I haven't updated in forever. Please, I'm begging you guys, help me get through this. Thanks for reading.

-TimeLady of Gallifrey-

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