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OH MY GODS, 2K READS?! You guys are making me so happy! :D So, in my wonderful return. ,<-always wanted to say that.  Jasper or Jiper, -idk which one-  Jenna, I always hated that name (Sorry if I offended you if you have that name.) ONTO THE STORYYYYYYY! 


Jenna Miller, that's my name. Blonde hair with brown eyes and very smart. I liked one boy. Almost every girl in my school asked him out. I haven't so he's mine! (are you sure?) Always saying he has a girlfriend, yeah right. I knew it was lie. 

My group of friends, were being morons again so I was going to make my move. "Hey Jason." I purred doing a flirty smile. "I'm going to the movies tonight want to come?"

"Hey Jenna. I'm sorry but I'm busy tonight. " Jason said simply and the .....bell rang. "See you around."


I stalked Jason. (creepy much?) He was by his moron friends. After they left, Jason, my future boyfriend left looking for a car. A car (Insert a car name) parked, and a beautiful girl got out, with eyes that change color. (I can't spell it, sorry.) and a beautiful outfit. Jason ran to her. Following him, I frowned. 

"Jason!" The gir screamed running to him. 

"Hey Pipes!" Jason said, what kind name is Pipes? 

I stalked to them. "Jason, sweetie what are you doing with her?" I said. 

The girl, Piper glared. "Who the Hades are you? " 

"I'm Jenna Miller. What are you doing with my boyfriend?" I asked rudely. 

"Come on Pipes." jason said and they left, leaving me shocked. 


I know this one might be bad.  xD But I can't stop laughing at this parody, Holy Hera. I have problems. But 2K READS? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. Your making me so flippin happy! xD Please help me with some ideas, a lot of the ones that you commented will come soon! :D I start school soon :*( NOOOOO!!!!! More band meets, homework and morons. -_- 'til the next update! 


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