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Hey guys! I'm officially in a writing class this semester and I'm so sorry for not posting anything as I've been really conscious about my writing. This is nothing fandom related but please enjoy!!!

It was a stormy night as thunder roared and lightning striking the Earth as it was being punished for something the planet didn't do. The storm was lasting longer than usual. There was an unforgettable about to happen.
The people, the species that lived on the planet, were greedy and did not care if they hurt each other. Damage was done to the once beautiful ground and the water. Waters in some places were so filthy and unclean that you could get an illness.
Even as the world goes by, there's death, as there death, as there's no way of escaping the end. Death is always lurking somewhere, watching your every move, every mistake you made or about to make.
Death is the one who takes your life away, stealing everyone you love, everyone who you deem important in your life. Life is short but there's always important people who make you smile. As you grow older, you start looking at the world in disgust, even frustration, because not everyone is suffering as much as you, or suffering worst because they had lost everything they kept close.
The storm raged on as these....thoughts came together, shaking death is the unbeatable enemy, no way to stop it. Medicine can only do so much to delay the process.
The thunder is like a grieving families, their cries of pure agony and disbelief that someone so loved is taken away from them so soon. The lightning is like a disagreement over how to remember the lost one. The lightning can happen at any given moment, not caring that an object is burnt to a crisp. A crisp of ash that can be blown away by a breeze of air.
The storm can be symbolic to normal people's lives. I am normal just as you, but whiter and very forgiving. Forgiving is the only way to make peace. There are times where you can ever earn that "special" trust back, only in small little fractions but not fully. Once you ruin that little sliver of trust, you can't be trusted by anyone. There aren't anymore chances for you to burn, one by one. Burn that bridge that leads to No Return and left there alone and heartbroken.
As the people around me have heart break all the time. As they get into relationships they do desperately want, but it never works because of different classes and not understanding what they want or mean. I have had my heart break, yes, but it slowly turned into bitterness and feeling like I'm not loved by them anymore. Bridges can be rebuild but it takes time and hours of working to get it back to the society's perfection. What is normal?
Normal is like listening to the same rap music, dressing like you own the school, having friends that don't really matter or having ones that are super close. Nothing is amiss in this world, not caring that they all have the same styles of clothes, have the newest and best iPhones and the endless shows.
There are millions upon millions in the world and not everyone is the same. How they are different is unknown because everyone is born unique, but grow up to follow the same path. To be truly great, one must stray from the road everyone takes.
Storms are unpredictable, stranger, and unique. No two storms are alike. And I am a storm.

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