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So, my dad is visiting from Colorado. I need to cry so much because my dad is awful. 11 months apart and he seems like a new, different man. He Say's that he's not very negative, but it's awful.
I couldn't find my phone and he slammed his hand against the thingy and I found it, he says all this nice stuff but it isn't nice at all. We were at this gas station and these two women walked by ( I'm trying not to be racist) and my dad called them the "n" word. I'm trying not to cry and he's acting like nothing happened.

S year later

I'm in Florida and I'm ready to go home. One day of seeing my family, my uncle, and Madison.
I'm not going to be updating because I'm just not going to try... My sister thinks I have an eating disorder, I just got told off on something stupid.
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