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Hullo! I'm Rileigh.The most popular boy in school. My group and I like to tease one girl. She was shy and a easy person to bully.

Once we pushed her down the stairs. "Hey Hazel!" my buddy Matt yelled. "Where's my lunch?"

Hazel didn't answer.. So Matt went to her table. "Where's my lunch witch girl?"

"I don't have it." Hazel muttering. The others laughed. They loved bullying Hazel. But one day they went too far.

It was after school. Miss Hazel, she was waiting for something. We walked over,laughing. We started to push her around. " Hey witch girl!" I yelled. Hazel flinched. "no one to stand up for you?"

"What are you doing to my friend?" A boys voice snarled behind me... I turned around to six other people glaring.

I backed away.. "Who are you?"

"I'm Percy Jackson. Friend of Hazel." Percy said.

"Annabeth Chas, I'm also a friend of Hazel." A really hot girl said. Percy put his arm around her waist.

The others told my group their names. "Frank Zhang. I'm Hazels boyfriend." Frank said. "Now leave Hazel alone or else."

"Or else what?" A buddy of mine said.

The group glared at us. "Or you will be beat up." Annabeth growled.

About a month later. Hazel's friends were at this school.. Frank Zhang, kissed Hazel. I felt horrible.

A:N ok. That was easy. What couple now??? I SWEAR THE MATT IN THIS ONE ISNT MATT SLOAN!


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