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To JoPRBooks

You always wrote about enigmatic characters but you are the biggest enigma of them all. Your words bewitched me but were also my respite . I along with millions of others fell in love with your mind and every other enigma that surrounded it.

Your words changed me. My subconscious clung to those words. You made me laugh, you made me cry, you made me feel when I pretty much lost touch with my feelings.

And I know this might sound selfish, but I need you. You made me into a bibliophile. You made me admire people you made me dig deeper into characters into people.

I began looking at the world through your eyes.
It's so strange it never happened before but when I read your book all the little things affected me, I began to focus more on the details around me(thanks to Mr Anthony Ellis), I could feel that I became more aware and it felt as if I was discovering myself (corny, I know). It was the way in which your words affected me, I began to notice certain things that I didn't before. Even though in no way did I found those characters relatable, no matter how exciting and enthralling they were, I learnt from them, my perspective of the world changed and that too significantly.

I bloody love your chaotically beautiful mind Jo.
Sometimes I wonder what difference your words have on other people, and I can't help but think that this is how art is experienced, individually and personally by everyone. You words are art Jo. No other artist has that effect, hell not even the people close to me have ever effected me this way.
And I'm pretty sure that this experience isn't singular (although diverse), because I'm miniscule speck amongst your enthusiasts.

Sincerely @Col_jaan

To Jo, Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora