chapter 8

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"Ellie hey. Ellie wake up you ok?" Carl took Ellie from Daryl's arms.

"Yea ill be fine. Just some blood lost. And Judith?" She questioned. Rick took his gun out and pointed it at Ellie.

"What the fuck man!" Ellie yelled.

"Dad what are you doing?"

"Carl are you blind son? She's been bit, Judith has been scratched we can't afford it to spread! Get your head on straight boy!" Everyone could hear galloping in the distance and saw Clem, Aj and Carol riding closer. Clem saw Rick point a gun towards Ellie and Carl and raced faster in between the two groups. She jumped down and pointed her gun at Rick. Daryl saw this and took his pistole at as welland little AJ pulled the pistol Clem gave him awhile back and pointed it at Daryl.

"Wait hold on it's a misunderstanding!" Carl came limping with Ellie by his side. "Ellie tell them!" Carl begged.

"What no! I don't know them." She responded.

"You telling them could save Judith!" he snapped back. They all looked at Judith realizing she was infected, and without a second thought came clean.

"I'm...I'm-m a Cure! My blood could possibly save her." Ellie said without taking her eyes off Judith. Rick lowered his gun with realization, causing a chain reaction for Daryl, Clem, and Aj.

"What are you serious. A cure." Michonne said with hope interlaced with her voice. No one said a word, for almost ten years a cure was never heard of. The Group went forward back to Canada and transfer blood into Judith. They all surrounded her, waiting for 24 hours to be up. They handcuffed her to the bed making sure is the cure didn't work she was secured. Judith started to move and opened her healthy eyes showing no signs of infection. It was a success, and Ellie for the first time in a long time felt happy.

"Thanks Ellie, now we get to be together longer." Judith said.

"Anytime Bugaboo." Ellie stood up and walked out of the room to let her get some rest.

Everything was going to be different know. Ellie, Clem, and Aj finally found a place to belong, But they didn't realize at the time the Fireflies where on their way to get the cure, by any means possible. 


Hey everyone this story has come to an end and maybe soon i might write the second book. thanks so much for your patience, hope to see you soon.

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