The world we survive in

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In Las Vegas Nevada, on July 12th, 2015 Doctor Al Marcho tried to defy God by using science to bring the dead back to life. However, after years of failed attempts, on October 13th, 2017 the 66th trial commenced and unfortunately for humanity it was a success and thus began the end of humanity. Two female and a male, ranging from the ages of 22-38, came back to life and for twenty-four hours were functional human beings. 

The next day at 8:45pm the subjects of the 66th group started showing signs of aggression, physicality, and cannibalism. The next day a scientist named Eliza May, was nicked on the arm by a subject of group 66, thinking nothing of it she went on with her day.

 Once again twenty-four hours passed, before she started showing the same symptoms, but it was too late the virus had spread through out the lab and to the outside world. The military was called upon to contain it in Las Vegas, and to protect the people who were not infected. 

They failed to contain the virus, and they where given orders to exterminate anyone, infected or not. People believe it was all science that caused this disaster, but others believe it was a sign of God punishing us for trying to play God.

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