Chapter 3

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Carl & Judith

"Close your eyes and ears Judith." Carl said as he pulled his pistol and shot at the two walkers ahead of them. Judith, who was on Carl's back holding on for dear life, did as her older brother said and whimpered in fear. Carl kept running, until he saw a run-down cabin and thought it would be a safe place to rest. Carefully opening the door, he secured the cabin and sat with Judith.

"Do you think dad got out?" Judith looked at her brother and questioned.

"I don't know, but it isn't safe anymore we need to head out." Carl replied.

"Where will we go, and how will dad find us?"

"Canada. Dad and Daryl came to an agreement if we all got separated we would head to the Canadian border. Now let's search-" Carl was interrupted by banging on the windows and doors.

"Walkers!" Carl grabbed his sister and pushed her behind him. The walkers pushed their way through the windows, Carl shot them before they got to close. He knew he had only a couple of bullets left, and they were still five maybe six left. Carl was panicking, he had to protect his sister no matter the cost.

"Judith no matter what happens you keeping living and head to Canada" Carl said with out turning around to face his sister.

"What? Carl don't say that, we are going together!" Judith cried. To prove her point, she grabbed a fist full of Carl's blue and tattered shirt. Carl tried to shake her off, but she wouldn't let go.

"Stop Judith, I have to do this!" Carl turned to his sister and shook her but stopped and listened. It was quiet, no sounds but footsteps came. The walkers where dead, but who killed them?

"Who's there?" questioned a voice from the other side of the door. "Anyone alive in there? I'm coming in don't shoot." Carl still pointed the gun at the door, for precaution. The door slowly creaked open, and showed a girl with reddish- brownish hair, and green forest eyes. In Carl's eyes she was beautiful.

"What the Fuck! Didn't I say don't shoot?! Put it away!" Carl had forgotten he was still pointing the gun at her.

"S-Sorry." was all he could say.

"Anyways, what are you two doing here? Your names?" Ellie questioned. Even if she did save them, she still kept her distance. Carl, finally out if his trance, looked to his sister. She was hidden behind his left leg being cautious and alert.

"we where attacked by a man named Negan. He destroyed our home and killed many of our people, we where chased into the forest by walkers and we got separated from our group."

"Your group?" Ellie asked.

"Yea, we are heading to Canada to regroup with them."

"ok but you still haven't given me your names?"

"I'm Judith, I'm 6. He's my brother Carl, he's 17." Judith whispered from behind Carl's leg. Ellie kneeled to Judith's height, trying not to scare her.

"Hi Judith, I'm Ellie I'll be 16 soon. Do you want to see my horse? He's really nice and he likes to be petted." Judith turns to her brother to seek for his permission and approval.

"Ill take you." Carl nods and the group head outside. Judith's eyes widen with amazement and awe. Judith had never seen such an animal before, only in a book her father found at a rundown daycare. Callus's was a coffee brown stallion with beautiful black coal color that glisten in the light

"His name is Callus, he loves when you play with his hair." As Judith was playing with Callus, Carl took this time to talk with Ellie.

"Come with us? It would be better to stick together, and you can bring your group to."

"It's just me and Callus, and I'm not a people person." Ellie said.

"Sorry. But It sounds like you will fit in with us." Ellie turned to Carl still unsure.

"It's getting late." 

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