Chapter 10

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Ruby's POV:

It's 2 A.M. and I'm still not sleep knowing that we leave in a few hours to head to Georgia. I looked down at Dawn and seen that she was still sleeping while holding on to my waist, I wonder if she's worry just like I am.

I know during a war you lose people, but I don't know what I'll do if I lost some of my pack members. I might just change things up and take down Alpha Hope and his two kids by myself. They are the only reason why that pack is the way it is.

I remember when I was staying there I used to hear some of the members talk about how he was doing them, and they wanted to talk to me but didn't want to risk their family lives and I understood that.

I let out a sigh and tried to get myself out of Dawn hold but her hold on me tightening up and she snuggles more into me.

"I just need some air I'll be back before it's time to go, go back to sleep," I told her before kissing her lips and getting out of her hold.

I put on some running clothes and left out of our room and headed downstairs, to see that Sarah was up and sitting in the living room.

"What's got you up?" I asked her.

"You should know that I can't sleep when you don't sing to me before I go to bed."

When she first came into the pack she wouldn't sleep at all, she was worried that someone would hurt her while she was sleeping. That night I sang to her and she went to sleep laying in my lap, I guess it stuck with her.

I went and sat down next to her and told her to lay her head on my lap and I begin to sing to her. I always sing a soft song that my mother used to sing to me. Well even though she was never my mother, but I still think of her like it.

It didn't take long before she was sleep even though vampire doesn't need sleep unless your Sarah who needs it more than others.

I'm only 19 and this vampire is way older than me, but you would have thought I was her mother or something because of the way she acted which is okay with me. I love babying everyone in my pack.

After I was sure she was sleep I got up and left out of the packed house going for a run in the woods. Heading toward the spot I first met my real mom, I still haven't seen her since that day, but I dream of her a lot. Sometimes the dreams are good and sometimes I feel as if I hate her for leaving me.

I made it to the area I was looking for and sat down next to the tree and watched the lake with the moon shining down on it. I closed my eyes and called to her, hoping that she could hear me somehow.

When a few minutes passed, and nothing happen I gave up hope and laid down on the grass and looked up into the night sky watching the moon.

"You called my child." I heard her voice say.

I looked up to her and nodded my head while sitting up. I don't know why I called her, but I knew that I needed her somehow.

"I'm not sure why though, I guess you can say that I feel alone without you."

She sat down in front of me and I crawled into her arms like a small child needing their mother's love. When her arms wrapped around me I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes.

"I'm going to war soon with the Dark Night pack and I don't know how things will turn out. I changed up the plan and haven't told anyone yet. I want to take out the alpha and his kids who are the cause of everyone's pain," I whispered.

"Do what you think is right, and I'll always be there for you."

With that, we just sat there with me in her arms and her humming which was causing me to get sleepy.

"I missed you mother," I mumble.

"I missed you more my child, and your mother misses you too. She wants to know when she will be able to see you."

"Tell her once I make it back from Georgia."

I'm not sure how long we sat there but I knew it was getting close for me to head back to the pack house. I didn't want to leave but I needed to finish what I started.

I hugged her one last time and got up and started running back to the pack house. I didn't want to say bye because I didn't want those to be the last words she heard from me.

I made it to the pack house to see that everyone was already up and having their breakfast for the day. Dawn was even sitting there with them which made me smile knowing they're getting along with her.

I walked into the kitchen and everyone turned to look at me, little Andi ran over to me and gave me a good morning hug like she always does.

"Good morning Alpha." Everyone said.

I said good morning back and took my seat at the head of the table next to Dawn.

"Where did you go this morning? I couldn't get back to sleep without you there with me."

"I went out for a run in the woods and spoke with mother," I told her.

"I still can't believe she is your mother."

I knew everyone heard her, but I still looked around because they don't know who my mother is yet and I would like to keep it that way for now.

"Me either but let's not talk about that right now my love."

She nodded her head and got back to eating, I picked off her plate because I wasn't hungry, and I knew she didn't mind.

Once everyone was done eating I made them go get their things and get ready to leave, some were already ready and spent their time with the pack members that wasn't going. Andi felt left out because she was little and couldn't go with us, so I gave her the job of helping Sarah at night when she can't sleep.

I didn't even know how long we were going to be gone but I was sure it wasn't going to be that long. Dawn pack had already left the other day and was waiting for us to get there.

I went up to my room and jumped in the shower while Dawn was packing the rest of our things together. My shower didn't take long because I wanted to get this over with, so I can spend the rest of my days with my mate.

After I was dressed I sat on the bed and looked at Dawn while she was changing her clothes. I love this girl with every part of me, and I don't want to lose her to something like this or at all.

"I made some changes to the plan we had with this war before you say something listen first."

She nodded her head and came an sat next to me.

"I thought it would be wrong to just go in there and kill everyone who is in that pack because they are following what Alpha Hope say because they have no choice. His kids, on the other hand, had a choice and didn't pick the right one, I'm going to take out Alpha hope, you can take out his son, and have Halley take out his daughter."

I finish with that part and waited for a minute before I started back talking.

"I know I sound a little crazy here, but I know some of them wanted to do the right thing but scared of their Alpha. The ones that still want to follow Alpha Hope after I take him then we kill them."

She agreed to my plan and got on the phone with Halley telling her the change of plans. I linked my pack letting them know as well but told them if others join in then feel free to take them out as well.

We made it to the private jet and board it, a few minutes later we were in the air heading to Georgia. I was nervous because I haven't been back there since I left and honestly, I can't wait to see Dr. Hale and Mary.

I heard some of the others talking about how they think this war is going to turn out and some even believe we will win without even having to hurt many people.

I talk with Dawn about when we were going to talk to her pack about making one big pack. I already have the witches making more houses on the territory while we are gone.

I looked up when I heard the pilot say that we have made it to Georgia and will be landing soon.

Okay, there is no turning back from this now and Alpha Hope needs to be put down by my hands.


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