Chapter 7

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Dawn's POV:

I still can't believe she is standing right here in front of me, after searching for her for half a year I gave up and thought she went back home to her pack.

"I know saying sorry for what I did won't fix things, but I would spend the rest of my life making things up to you. I don't think I can keep living without you by my side."

"It's been a little hard living without you too, but my trust can be easily broken. I would give you the chance to make it up, but things have to go slow." She whispered.

I nodded my head letting her know I understand, if I can have her in my life I don't care how slow we take things. She means the world to me even if we were apart for a year she's still my everything.

"How come you smell a little different? It's a good smell but it's new." I asked her.

"I shifted a few days after my birthday."

"May I see?"

She nodded her head and stepped back some, she took in some deep breaths and let herself shift into her wolf. Once the shifting was done I was speechless, she's a white wolf. I read about white wolves and it's rare to be one, but her eyes are amazing a beautiful glowing ocean blue.

She jumped on me and started licking my face I laughed knowing that it was her wolf Lou taking over for a while. I shifted while she was on top of me, I thought it would be a good idea to let her and Luna play around with each other since they never met before.

Running around the woods in our wolf form feels amazing but keeping up with her was a little hard because she was fast, and I never saw a wolf that fast before. Something was different about her wolf, but I'll wait until she's ready to tell me.

"Alpha Hope!" Someone screamed.

Wait, she's an Alpha now? It's only been a year since we were apart, I wonder what's her pack name. I heard there was a new pack around, but I didn't think it was hers. We both shift back me without clothes and she shifted back with her clothes on, how the hell was that possible. She walked over to one of the trees and passed me some shorts and a top.

"Yes Maddi, what can I do for you." She asked the girl who I know is a vampire.

"You might want to come back to the pack house before they kill each other." The vampire said.

Ruby took off running toward her pack house and I followed behind her because I know a few of my pack members are there as well. We made it to the pack house to see a vampire and my beta facing each other.

Ruby jumped in the middle of them and growled at Halley, her growl made even me bow down to her and I'm an alpha myself.

"What the hell is going on here?" She growled out.

Halley was the one who spoke first, "These bloodsuckers have no right being around here."

I can tell what Halley just said pissed Ruby off, her eyes started glowing and her nails started coming out.


At this moment I knew that was no longer Ruby in charge, she grabbed Halley by the throat and lifted her up off her feet.

"Everyone in this pack is a supernatural and we don't look at them as to what they are, they have feelings just as we do. How would you like it if they called you a pup?!" Lou questioned knowing wolves don't like that word.

She dropped Halley and turned to the vampire that was about to fight Halley.

"Sarah you know better to let something like this get you upset, I have taught you to let it make you stronger, not weaker. You know the punishment of this." Lou said.

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