"No promises," He says, winking at me. What the heck! Did Jason Grace just insinuate that he was going to make out with me in the back of his cousins pickup truck?! My mouth must have dropped open, because a felt Jason close it.

"S-sorry," I mumble. Smooth Leo. Real smooth.

"I like the idea of a gossip sesh!" Jason exclaimed.

"Me too!" Hazel piped up.

"I guess," Nico sighed. Everyone looked at me.

"Let's do it," I shrug. Soon, we get to an apartment complex, and Percy parks the truck by a blue Prius. We walk inside, and a woman, must be one of their moms, comes up to us.

"Hello kids! How was your first day of school? Who's this? Jason, we told you not to kidnap anyone!" She mockingly wags a finger at Jason.

"I didn't kidnap him, Sally, he came of his own free will! Geez!" Okay, so her name is Sally, and she's not Jason's mom.

"Our day was great, mom, we were just about to have a teenage gossip sesh with Leo!" Percy tells her. Okay, so she's Percy's mom.

"Okay, have fun! I have a fresh batch of blue cookies. Glad you kids made friends so quickly," I notice she winks at Jason and Nico, who both blush. What is up with them?

We walk into a room that is completely, utterly, blue. I'm guessing it's Percy's room.

"Okay, Hazel, you are the female, you can lead the gossip sesh!" Percy says.

"No way! I may be a girl, but that is definitely not my thing," Hazel quickly responds.

"You suggested a gossip sesh," I remind Percy. Jason smiles.

"Yeah, Perc, you should lead it!" He says, playfully shoving Percy's shoulder a bit.

"Ugh, fine!" Percy grumbles. "We shall start with the revealing of the tattoos!"

Percy starts to pull up his sleeves, but Jason stops him.

"Percy, I don't think we all want to reveal something like that just yet. We've already seen yours, but not everyone here has seen each other's," Jason tells him. Thank goodness, I did not want to reveal my soulmate tattoo, something I have never shown anyone, to a bunch of kids I just met, especially when I may have a crush on two of them. Wait, what? Where did that come from?

"Umm, Leo," Nico pokes my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I respond, not really listening.

"You we're talking out loud."

Oh no. I mentally go through every curse word I know.

"Uh, um, well, how, how much did I say?" I nervously ask, blushing furiously.

"Oh, just how you didn't want to reveal you tattoo, because you've never shown anyone, especially not to a bunch of kids you just met, two of which you may have a crush on," Percy grins maniacally as he tells me. My face gets redder, if possible.

"So which of us is it Leo?" Hazel innocently asks. "It is the perfect gossip sesh topic..."

"Uh, I..." I suddenly get a stroke of brilliance. Wait, they don't even seem fazed by the fact that there's only one girl, and I said two. Hm, interesting. Anyway, back to my awesome idea, stupid ADHD. "You have to guess!"

Yeah, okay, I may have been exaggerating when I said "brilliant".

"Well, obviously Jason, when he mentioned making out with you, you went super red and your jaw dropped open super wide," Percy reasons. Darn it. Yeah, maybe not a good idea. "But I'm not sure about the second." Well, at least that secret is safe. Wait, did he say that sarcastically?

Hero's of Olympus Soulmate Tattoo AUWhere stories live. Discover now