you left before i could arrive.

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You were in heaven before I existed.
I was to enter this world but you were gone before I could arrive.
I wonder if you knew about me.

I know so many stories, so many traits about you.
Yet you knew nothing about me.

I know you were persecuted for your beliefs.
I also know you fought in a bloody war with the world.
You lost the love of your life after your last born.
You lost your brother for his belief in God.
You had so many struggles. So many.
But I think one of the most difficult one was to see your children flee to the promise land.

Little did you know you'd be leaving them a couple of years after they fled their motherland.
But before you left, you were given the joy of many grandchildren.
You watched all your children get married and having a family of their own.
You also fell in love again a couple years after your other loved one left this cruel world.

There was good and bad in life for you but I know you found a hope that gave you assurance to not be afraid to leave.

But before you left for heaven you knew you were going to have yet another grandchild, knowing it was a girl.
Having another human enter this world is a thing you should rejoice in but knowing you have two other grandchildren eight months later after the other grandchildren is a joy that can't be expressed.

But you can't rejoice about something you don't know about.
And you didn't know about me.

If you did though you'd be happy to hear you would have two wonderful identical granddaughters.
This new would have extra special to you because I know that at one point in your life you had two identical brothers.
But just like the love of your life they left the world way to early.

Don't worry though we're fifteen now and life is difficult but we're fighting through it.

I know you'll never get to read this but I had to write this for you.

I love you grandpa, you lived a hard life but you're in a better place now.

Love, your granddaughter, the one you never knew about.

This one is more personal to me than some of my other poems.

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