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Goes slow when I don't want it to.
Goes to fast when I don't want it to.
I have to say goodbye way too soon.
I want to say good bye forever but I'm afraid of the thought that will result in that.
I don't want anyone being guilty and I don't want anyone being sad.
Well because they don't really care.
They just want to be good people, so they pretend like they care.
To look good.
To be impressive to people around them.
The time to be wasted on me is like me wanting attention when really that is the last thing that I really want.

It is said time is the most important thing.
Well then if it is don't waste it on me.
Trust me I'm do you favor by telling you that.
Time to me is useless once you die.
So soon time will be nothing to me.

Time, what a curious thing it is.

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