it is what it is.

7 2 1

They always misunderstand me.
No I don't need your help.
And no you don't care.
I don't want you to look at this the wrong way but I'm different than a lot of people.
I don't trust.
It's not you.
Just my past.
I don't blame the person.
I blame fate.
I'm fine with my situation.
It may be hard for other people but not for me though.
Don't get me wrong it was hard at first too but it's become an ongoing cycle.
I guess I'm saying that I'm comfortable with it.
It's sounds weird I know but this is what I am and who I am.
There is only one person though I do trust but they aren't mentioned as much because...
Well because I'm scared they might leave.
The only person I trust.
We're not friends.
And we're not best friends.
I guess we're acquaintances.
It's not a strong relationship I know but I can see something different in them.
It's hard to explain but it is what it is.
And I'd like it to stay that way.

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