Toruk Makto

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Okay guys. A new chapter and all that. I'm sorry that it took so long for this, but I guess that time just got away from me.  I have a few more ideas in the making for books. Of course this one will have a sequel, but I have a lot of Harry Potter crossovers coming out, along with a few Naruto stories in the works. This book is almost finished though. I'm not going to give an exact chapter count, because I don't know yet, but I do know that the book is almost over. Again, there will be a sequel, so don't worry guys!

Anyway, Enjoy!


"Someone is going to die." Harry couldn't control his mouth as the words came pouring out. Tsu'tey looked down at him concerned, but Harry couldn't say anything else because he didn't know anything else.

What he did know was there was a tension. There was a tension in the air around him. It filled the small space like a fog. There was tension in the way Mo'at and Tsu'tey stood. They looked almost like guards to be honest. Harry subcounsiously laid a hand on his stomach, which went unnoticed by the two Na'vi.

"What has happened?" Harry watched Tsu'tey freeze for a moment before he looked towards Mo'at. Harry looked between them for a moment.

"Hometree has been destroyed."

His eyes felt crusty and his legs felt like led. His head was pounding and his arms lay flat on either side of his body. He could feel them, but he couldn't move them yet.

Grace was dying.

I have to get up.

With that thought, Jake forced his limbs to move. It felt like he was relearning to walk, relearning the mexhanics of his own body.

Amber eyes scanned the area, a frown marred his feature. A white substance, almost like sand, littered the ground abd the area surrounding him.

No, not sand. Ash. The Pandorian forest floor was covered in the ash of its own life. Pieces of what Jake assumed to be the reminates of Hometree littered the clearing. Sharp spikes of wood stuck out of the ground, and Jake took a moment to be grateful that he hadn't impaled himself on one when he was forcefully ejected from his body.

A screach came from behind him, making Jake whip around. His Ikran was crashing through the undergrowth just a few feet away from him. Jake smiled and walked over towards the large animal.

"There is something we got to do." Jake chuckled humorlessly, patting the Ikran's muzzle. "And your not going to like it."


"That Dumbass," Harry murmured in English. Harry winced at the sound of the loud animal.

"Toruk Makto?" Mo'at murmured to herself, and awed look on her face.

Harry scowled at the figure on the back of the Toruk. Jake hopped of quickly before making his way to the from of the group. The Na'vi parted for him, reaching their hands out to touch him as he passed like he was some saint.

"Jake, your a fucking idiot," Harry mumbled out, smiling atthe sound of a snort. Tsu'tey looked just as pissed off as he felt, but Harry could see the underlined respect that he had for Jake.

Harry watched in satisfaction as Neytiri slapped Jake when he had come up to her. Luckily for his pride, Jake only faltered back a step. "You. You were told to never return." Neytiri ground out through grit teeth. Harry winced at the implication of her voice.

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