Effeminate Stereotypes

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'Harry's thoughts'


Because this chapter is literally just Harry and Jake at Hometree, I'm making the Na'vi into normal font because going through and italicizing every conversation is going to suck. So remember, all normal font is actually them speaking in Na'vi, not English. Instead, English will be italicized. I don't know how I made this chapter so fluffy, but there is a lot of Tsudrian, or Har'tey. Or whatever we are calling this ship. There is a lot of Harry x Tsu'tey in this chapter. Also, there will be gender stereotypes used in this chapter. I, as the author, do not approve of the stereotypes that I use, but they go well with the conversation that they come up in. The stereotypes focus more on men, but they can be focused on anyone really. But it is mostly men, more effeminate men.



''Alright Hadrian, today we will be shooting at targets.'' Tsu'tey sounded unnaturally happy at what Harry figured was no later than 'I'm Fucking Tired' o'clock. Seriously, it is way to early to be eating breakfast, let alone be practicing his dismal archery skills. And they were dismal. Harry had realized a long time ago that he was way better at the knife and gun part of the military than the 'Shoot and Scoot' part of everything.

All things considered, his time in the military hadn't done much for his physique. He stayed smaller, thanks to his upbringing, (Thank you, you Dursley fuckers). Being small in the military wasn't normal good, you needed to be in top physical shape with a mind to match. Harry had risen so high and so quickly because he didn't seem to get tired as easily as he should (Thank you pepper up potions).

So, by association, his physical condition was too weak to hold a proper bowstring back, let along use one in special ops combat.

''Tsu'tey, I'm tired.'' Harry would deny whining to the gorgeous alien to his dying day. ''Just let me rest for another hour on this nice, comfortable log.'' Harry leaned his head back even farther, looking like someone had tried to break his blue striped neck. Harry could speak from experience and say that that really didn't feel the best. Tsu'tey chuckled, another thing that Harry promised to keep to himself, because if the Na'vi people found out that Tsu'tey had a heart, he would be perfect marriage material. Harry had no problem admitting to himself that he was going to milk the 'Perfect marriage material' thought for all that it was worth.

The hat was supposed to put him in Slytherin after all. He had just started to act like in on Pandora. It is a fresh start for a true Hadrian James Potter.

''I don't care if you are tired, Hadrian. We train now, and I will show you around Hometree after lunch.'' Tsu'tey was enjoying Harry's pain immensely. He still couldn't understand why he was so comfortable with this short man, and yes, he was short. Comparing Harry's short stature of 8'8 to Tsu'tey's 9'5 would be like comparing the height of a Dachshund to a Border Collie. Tsu'tey found it cute when Harry pouted, which coincidentally, he was doing now.

''But I wanted to spend the afternoon doing my hair.'' Nope, Harry wasn't whining. He was being a man and complaining. There was a difference. Harry had developed a narcissistic love of his long hair that reached his ass and got tangled when his tail would swish all over the place. The traitor limb really got going around Tsu'tey. His tail was a bastard that was totally trying to get him in trouble with his new silent fanboy crush.

Eywa Damnit, it's doing it now.

''Hadrian, you mess with your hair anyway.'' And Tsu'tey was totally right, but Harry didn't admit it, at all. Harry would spend diners sitting in between Mo'at and Tsu'tey going back and forth between eating whatever they had killed that day(usually Hexapede), and his hair. He was always fascinated in finding how many beads he could fit in his hair before it got heavy and annoying. Harry had found that the sound of his clinking hair beads worked well when it came to calming down his magic. He had even taken to using them on his human body. ''Right now, we need to teach you how to shoot.''

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