Wake Me Up

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'Harry's Thoughts'

Greetings to those of you in other countries! I am stuck in my home country of America, where I swear I am being milked of my own creativity bit by fucking bit. I swear, I can't do anything right now that has to do with making my portfolio for my apprenticeship, so I figured that I  might as well get started on this. Happy Pride everyone! June is over, but Pride is forever!

We are back to the Omaticaya! Harry x Tsu'tey!!!!!!!!

P.s. I'm so sorry for the short chapter. I figured that this was a good thing to end on.



"I'm sorry, I think that i heard you wrong. Can you repeat that?" Harry asked the woman in front of him. He was almost positive that she had to be bullshiting him.

"I want to train you as well." Mo'at said nonchalantly, not understanding why Harry seemed to be taking this so weirdly. Becoming Tsahïk was an honer umonst the tribe. Since her daughter seemed to be so opposed to the idea, sh figured that Eywa's Chosen should take her place.

"Yeah, I got that part. Train me in what?"

"To be Tsahïk, of course." Mo'at said again. Harry stared incredulously at both her and Tsu'tey, who was sitting next to the shaman. He was not expecting this when he woke up.

Tsu'tey had been worried when Harry laid still the morning after visiting the Tsahïk. No matter how much he tried to shake or prod at the Dreamwalker, the body didn't move. At that point, Tsu'tey truly felt useless.

For two days, Tsu'tey had moped around Hometree, not being able to really find the drive to join the hunting parties. It worried the warrior. The only time he had felt this way was when the sky people had shot up that 'human' school with his older brother in it.

The feeling of sadness seemed to disappear the moment that Harry had opened his eyes, thise bright green orbs that Tsu'tey didn't know why he missed so much.

"You want me to become Tsahïk." Harry deadpanned. "Isn't that the job of a clan leader's mate?" Harry was slightly confused. Every Tsahïk that he had learned about had been mated to the Eye'tukan. Didn't those two titles belong to Neytiri and Tsu'tey? Tsu'tey wouod become clan leader and Neytiri wouod become Tsahïk, then together they would be mated?

"Yes Hadrian." Mo'at was getting annoyed. How many times did she have to say it? They were still speaking the same language, she was sure of it. "I want to train you to be the pathway to Eywa for the people." She of course didn't explain why. She didn't tell the two that she had been visited by the Mother in her dreams. She didn't tell them how she had been exclusively instructed to do this.

She didn't think that that would go down well.


Harry knew where they were going before Tsu'tey and him could enter the muddy clearing.

"God Damnit!" The voice was hard, English, and distinctly familiar.

"This moron is going to kill himself." Harry mumbled to himself, smiling when Tsu'tey had to cover his mouth to stiffle his snickers. Jake was covered head to toe in dirt, paint, and who knows what else. "Watching this is making me feel good that I got the Pa'li riding down quickly."

"Wah hoooooo! Yeah, check it out!" Yes, Jake had hit a full five feet on the Pa'li's back before eating the dirt, again. "Crap!"

Harry had to bite his tongue so he didn't laugh, but that didn't keep him from looking around for something fun to do. Harry elbowed Tsu'tey and gestured over towards the other grazing Pa'li.

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