"Ren's driving her insane these days." Itachi admitted with a chuckle. Ren was Itachi's firstborn, who was 7 years old. Mai and Jaeha were the twins, both 4 years old.

"I see where he gets it from." Sasuke smirked at his brother who rolled his eyes. "How's Hinata?"

"She's fine. And I hope she'll remain that way." Sasuke said, worry gripping his heart again. "I really hate leaving her alone during her condition."

Itachi smiled supportively at his brother. "Don't worry. She'll be alright. The doctors told Izumi she couldn't have more than one child since Ren was a difficult birth and because we belonged to the same clan."

Sasuke looked hopefully at his brother who continued. "And look, we have two more kids. And we could have more. It's just not easy having Uchiha kids for our women it seems." Itachi smiled ruefully.

Sasuke sighed. "That does make me feel better."

"Hey you'll be holding your baby in two month's time."

Sasuke nodded and by the time the next CEO came to meet up with him, Sasuke was as ready as he could be.

"Wow..." Ino said, eyeing Hinata who laughed at Ino's face. Ino was practically beaming as she looked at Hinata.

"I'm really going to be an aunt, huh." She said.

Hinata grinned. "You are."

"Good thing I'm ready." She said, holding out a huge package to Hinata, who looked confused. "It's the perfect baby set I saw in a shop."

Hinata smiled at Ino's antics. "Come inside."

"You want me to make something to eat?" Ino asked and Hinata shook her head. "Okay then, because I brought movies!"

Hinata laughed with happiness as Ino held up all her favorites. "You remember."

"You're my bestie, of course I do." She said, hugging Hinata carefully. "How're things with you and Naruto?" Hinata asked.

"Well...he's an idiot, but I love him." Ino said, smiling affectionately, looking at her engagement ring.

"He's lucky to have you." Hinata told her. Ino looked at her happily. "And Sasuke is lucky to have you."

They both smiled and turned back to the movie screen. Ino ended up staying the night, insisting they needed to have a girl's night before Hinata entered motherhood.

They were on their 5th movie when Hinata's phone rang and her husband's name flickered on the screen. She felt her heart lift as she answered.

Sasuke waved off Izumi's insistence that he needed to have a fourth helping of her cooking. She was an amazing cook (though he still thought Hinata was better) but Sasuke was ready to burst.

Ren insisted on hearing cool stories about Sasuke. Sasuke told him delightful stories (with slight exaggerations) while the twins insisted they all play hide and seek.

Sasuke frowned even more when his brother told him Izumi and he were going to watch a movie and if he would be kind enough to watch over the kids.

By the time the kids had fallen asleep, he was exhausted. Both from today's work of interacting with heads of all those companies and from the babysitting.

As he sat down on his bed, he looked at his lock screen, which was a candid picture of Hinata while she was watching her favorite movie.

Her eyes were lit up with and she looked happy and excited despite knowing what would happen. His heart ached for her presence and he decided to call her.

"Hello?" her sweet voice was music to his ears.


"Sasuke-how are you?" she asked.

"Better now that I'm talking to you."

"How is the expo going?" she asked. He sighed and laid down before answering.

"It's going great, which makes it exhausting. Even your cousin looked ready to bite someone in the ass, and he's the most composed business man I know." he chuckled.

Hinata giggled and he smiled at that. "Neji-nii called today too."

"I bet he did. He looked furious when he saw I was here instead of with you." Sasuke said, feeling slightly guilty.

"No, it's alright. Ino's here anyways and we're having so much fun watching movies."

"I bet you forgot all about me." He teased.

"Of course not."

"I'll be back soon."

"I know."

"I miss you."

"I know that too."

Sasuke frowned. "Hinata, I love you. So very much."

He heard her breath hitch and she answered after a moment. "Sasuke, I love you too. More than you can imagine."

He smiled, but his eyes were closing on their own now. As if sensing it, her voice became louder and she reprimanded him.

"Now get some rest, you have a busy day."

"Yes ma'am." He said softly.

"Take care."

"You too."

The phone clicked off and Sasuke drifted into the comforting arms of sleep immediately, with a soft smile on his handsome face.

Author notes:

Hello readers. I'm so sorry for not updating for weeks..or more like a month if we're being specific. But blame College, not me. Seriously, it's so tiring. I barely knew what was going on around me for the first three weeks. Now, it's starting to set in.

So, as soon as i got the opportunity, I updated.

Yes, Hinata and Sasuke are having a baby! Everything is going to be alright....

....Or is it? 🙄

Kindly, vote comment and let me know if you liked the chapter. It was a happy chapter since we could all use some happiness right about now. Especially me!

Do let me know what you thought. I have the next chapter ready and i promise i'll update sooner. I'm going to finish what i started so don't fret.

Love you all (especially those who have stuck with me since Paper Fans and Lavnders chapter 1). You rock.

Until next time. 

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