'Go away,' She muttered.

'Raven, I'm sorry,' Clarke stated softly.

Raven pushed herself up from the ground quickly, 'I said, go away! And take her with you!'

'I know how hard this must be for you, but I'm leaving with the Grounders, and I need you to keep working on the radio.'

Raven spun around quickly when the grounders started to pick up Finn, fear seeping into her features.

'What are you doing? What are you doing?' She yelled.

'They need to take him now,' Clarke informed her.

'Like hell, they do, get off.'

'Give us a minute, please.'

'Raven-' Byrd stepped forward.

'Get away from me, you murderer,' Raven sneered before she looked at Clarke; 'You agreed to this?'

'We're taking him back to the village where the massacre took place,' The blonde explained; 'There's a death ritual. It's the only way to get our people out of Mount Weather.'

'Then I'm coming, too, and don't worry... I'll bring your damn radio.'

Clarke sighed as the girl stormed past her, hitting her shoulder as she went. The Delani girl watched as Finn was lifted from the ground once the blonde gave them the go, lowering her gaze. Though she looked up when Clarke's breathing grew heavy, her eyes set on Finn.

'Hey,' Byrd whispered as she placed a hand on her shoulder; 'It's not real. He's gone, Clarke.'

'B-But,' The girl stammered.

'It'll pass, trust me... Come on. We've got to get the others.'

She lead Clarke back to camp, leaving her when she was changed direction toward her room. Byrd started for Murphy's room, the boy instantly standing the moment he saw her. She stared at him blankly for a second before tears began to well in her eyes, her face crumbling.

'I killed him, Murph,' She whispered before her voice broke.

Quiet sobs left the girl as she lowered her head, Murphy rushing over to comfort her. He held her close, her body wracking with sobs against his. Her tears wet his shirt, her voice disappeared into his chest. The girl's knees gave way, Murphy slowly lowering her to the ground; holding her in his lap.

'I killed him, Murph,' She sobbed; 'I killed Skywalker.'

He didn't know what to say as he continued to run his finger through her hair, shushing her quietly with his lips pressed against her head.


Byrd stared up at the roof of the room, Murphy's body curled around her own. She ran her fingers through his hair, watching as he slept peacefully. She didn't fell guilty for killing Finn, she was upset that he was gone. He was put in the position where it should've been her. She was the killer. He wasn't. Well, he wasn't before she was taken.

'What are you doing?' Lincoln asked as he came to stand in the doorway.

She rolled her head to look at him, 'Can't sleep.'

'I want to show you something before we go.'


He nodded, motioning for her to follow him. She slowly slipped out of the bed, jogging through the halls without shoes on her feet and a short cropped shirt. Her jaw dropped when she stepped outside to see the stars overhead, her eyes following a shooting star.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now