chapter eleven | drowning.

Start from the beginning


I haven't decided how to treat Owen yet, and so I barely glance at him.

"Instead of staying here, I was thinking we could go out and do something."

I'm aware that he's technically my elder so I should respect him and all that jazz, but I'm indifferent. He's so nice to me that it truly concerns me. No one has ever been so patient and kind towards me when I give them an unnecessary attitude, yet Owen is.

Although he did take my brother from me, so there's always that reason to hate him.


My voice becomes emotionless—a drastic change from the happiness it had moments ago.

"Can we go to the lighthouse? We haven't eaten lunch yet and I wanna see the ocean!"

Mason's eyes light up as they move between Owen and me.

"If it's okay with your sister, it's okay with me."

Owen and Mason both look to me for a sign of approval, and while eating is the last thing on my mind, Mason just looks too cute to let down.

"Of course it's okay!" I stand up and drag enthusiasm into my voice before I place my arm around Mason's shoulder. "It's kinda far, though."

Everything I say, I direct towards Mason in an effort to reduce my conversing with Owen to the bare minimum. It seems to be working, though it's not making Owen as angry as I wish it would.

"I'll drive, no worries."

I glance over at Jean with an uncomfortable look in my eyes.

"Isn't this supposed to be supervised?"

Part of me is hoping she has to come with us. Maybe her presence will make it less awkward.

"Not really. It's okay, Ramona. I won't tell if you don't."

Mason's ogling, baby-blue eyes are too adorable to disappoint.

"Okay. Let's go to the lighthouse."

Mason jumps up and down with victory at my confirmation.

"Yes! I want pancakes!"

Owen gives Mason a smile from his perch against a bookshelf, and he tilts his head as pure intrigue takes over his face.

"It's lunchtime, kiddo. Pancakes are a breakfast food."

Mason crosses his arms with an unimpressed eyebrow raised.

"Pancakes are an all-day food."

Owen shakes his head, his smile growing wider with each passing second.

Mason leaves my side to go over to Owen without blinking twice. Owen places an arm around a giggly Mason and I watch the small gesture with a clenched jaw and a hardened stare.

I shouldn't let that minuscule motion get to me, but it seems like every time I come to see Mason, he's growing further and further apart from me. It's possible that this 'bond' I thought Mason and I had was a one-sided thing. Maybe I'm the only one who's attached and he doesn't need me as much as I thought he did.

Yours Truly, RamonaWhere stories live. Discover now