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jimin stay in his spot on the couch, his feet kicked up and his body relaxed as he scrolled down his social feed.

he could hear a thumping sound that was at least a mile away, his increased sense of hearing made the footsteps boom in his ear.

yet all he did was ignore it.

it wasn't until the footsteps got louder, loud enough to detect that they were right down the hall, was when he looked up from his phone.

jeongguk has never ripped open a door so fast.

"jimin hyung?"

jimin smile grew at his young friend. he took everything in him not to show the amount of impact that those two words have on him.

"what's wrong?" he smiles, standing from his spot on the couch.

"you broke up with taehyung?"

the older's smile faded, and his face turned red at the younger's new found knowledge.

"it was for nala wasn't it?"

jeongguk was such a blind and naive boy, he couldn't figure something out unless you slapped it his face.

jimin hesitated before smirking, turning off the television and stepping closer towards the younger.

"you're right, i did." jimin says, "in fact while you were gone."

he chuckled, whispering this time.

"me and her may have had a little...fun."

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