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"what the hell taehyung?" the older male got up from his spot on the ground sending his younger friend a smile.

"long time no see!" he smiles his boxed smile, scratching his neck."you've gotten so big, all grown u-

"hyung what the hell are you doing?" jeongguk says, "are you the one that shot at me."

" no, actually she just went that way." taehyung points to the edge of the building.

despite the throbbing pain from his gun wound, he makes a start for the edge of the building, his claws ready by his sides.


what does he want?

"i haven't seen you in five years and this is how you treat me?" taehyung scoffed, "and there's a big ass while in you shoulder, where are you running off to?"

"i-i'm fine."

"mhm, bring that ass here."


"open wide." taehyung says, unscrewing themis of his flask.

"n-no i don't want it!" jeongguk thrashed around trying to glue his mouth closed as taehyung was trying to force it open.

"this is the only way you'll heal jeongguk, when's the last time you had blood anyway? i can tell your weak."

"i've been using su-

"supplements? those cheap things don't work, now open."

taehyung let the red liquid flow down jeongguk's throat, igniting the younger's loud protests.

he could feel the hole in his flesh start to form back together and regenerate.

"okay it's fixed!"

taehyung growled, making him drink more blood just for the heck of it, until it was empty.

"hyung, look at me! i can't go back to her apartment like this!" jeongguk whined at his distraught state, his pumping a hundred miles an hour.


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