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"he did what? you definitely need to drop him. he's toxic for you" hana says.

gina ran a hand through her hair while nodding. "what do you think nala?"

nala looked up from her book, her big brown eyes focused on the group of girls, her face had confusion written all over it. she honestly wasn't paying attention to anything they were saying.

"please, nala hasn't even had a boyfriend yet, right?" another girl that nala didn't know the name of speaks up, patting the confused girl on the back. giving her a teasing look.

"me? I didn't know I needed one."

"you can't stay single forever," hana teases, closing nala's book lightly, "I can hook you up if you want?"

"what about mr. lee? you are his favorite student."

nala shook her head at the dirty-minded group,"isn't he married with kids? not to mention twice my age?"


gina laughs, " she's way to pure guys, she would never even dream of the things we talk about."

"whatever." nala rolls her eyes.

"hey lala!" the figure sits in the desk next to her, and you can here all of her friends start to whisper. "can I borrow your notes again?"

"sure, namjoon."

"thanks!" he got to copying the notes, constantly checking his phone for the time as well.

the door swung open and the middle aged man waddled into the classroom. "settle down, and give nala her notes back"

"There's Mr. Lee!" Hana nudges the girl's side teasingly.

"Shut up." she laughs


"the target has left the park and is making its way to Seoul university."

"the victim has massive bite marks on her neck, as well all of her blood drained from her body."

the figure's blonde hair shimmers in the moon light as they race down the streets, climbing buildings, and fences using anything to avoid the policemen close on her tail.

"police! freeze!"  The figure lunges at them with full force, their extremely long claw like nails sinking into the policeman's flesh with one sharp swing.

"the target is a young female, maybe about twenty-five with blonde hair and red eyes, we can confirm she is one of the vampires."

"jeongguk, she's all yours."

the young man watches the woman run in the streets down below him, his eyes trained on her movements as he clicks on the walkee-talkee " copy that."


"have you heard about the vampire murders?" hana says, her eyes locked on her phone screen.

namjoon rolls his eyes, "all I here nowadays is vampire this and vampire that! its just a myth"

"but look at this" hana flips her phone, showing what looked to be a body of a young girl, "she has bite marks on her neck and legs, that's not normal."

"you and your occult obsessions" namjoon scoffed before turning his head to nala.

"you okay?" he nudges at her side, giving her a playful smile.

"yea, I guess i don't feel to good." she lied, clutching at her stomach, she could feel her hands clamming up, she had the feeling something wasn't right, something was about to happen.

"don't worry, we're almost home." he smiles, giving her hand a squeeze.


"I'm right behind her, have back up ready.." jeongguk swung through the trees, his feet the hitting pavement as he landed gracefully, gradually picking up speed before tackling the suspect and binding her in handcuffs.

the vampire thrashed around violently, her eyes blood red, with long fangs as long as an average person's pinky finger.

"I can't believe this." the police look over the suspect's thrashing body in horror.

"I can." the eldest says, "once they get a taste of blood they never forget it."

"they lose themselves to the mental high and sexual rush."

"can you imagine, a whole species addicted to the taste of human blood."

jeonguuk wipes his hands with a handkerchief, making his way to the men, his body reaked of authority and power.

"good work, jeon." they pat his back, guvign him claps.

"is she the one in charge of the serial murders?" the young man asks, sticking his hand in his pockets, fishing out his red earphones.

"no, that was-


" bye namjoon, bye nala." hana waves as she turns the other way.


the town walked in silence, their hands occasionally brushing against each other's as they walk.

"I hope you know you don't have to worry about it." he speaks up, his voice laced with a hint of sadness.


"what I said the other day." he blushed, covering his cheeks with his hands"I knew there was a slim chance you would- never mind"

her eyebrows furrow as they make their way to a cross walk, she's shoved against as everyone moves in one large block all at once.

namjoon seems to stop in his tracks, causing nala to crash into his back.

"what is i-

her body freezes as her breath gets caught in her throat, her eyes locked with icy blue orbs, orbs she swore she's met before.

their staring contest is broken when a firm hand is on her wrist as namjoon starts walking back the way they came.

" let's take a different route."

they stop at a park, it looked dead without anyone in it, no kids swinging, no laughter, just silence.

"namjoon I swear I've seen that guy before, im not sure where but..."

"I think he followed me."


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