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the cold city air pierced at jeongguk's lungs as he tried to catch his breath, his body still tense and on fire from before. his legs were wobbly and weak as he trembled down the pavement.

why did he have to be a vampire?

why did nala have to be human?

his mind was so clouded with endless questions that he didn't bother to pay attention to where he was going, which eventually ended up with him colliding into someone.

"owie!" the deep voice cried, and jeongguk recognized it almost immediately.

"hyung?" jeongguk extended his hand to his older friend, who gladly accepted and stood to his feet.

"h-hey kookie." taehyung sniffed, his eyes were swollen and red, and he was dressed in sweat pants and a stained grey t shirt.

"hyung you look horrible." gguk said, giving him a fake look of disgust. "what's wrong?"

"w-well..." taehyung laughed bitterly, scratching his unwashed, dandruff infested scalp. "jimin broke up with me."

jeongguk could feel a weight drop in his gut.

"what?" the younger raises an eyebrow. "jimin told me you broke up with him.."

taehyung only shook his head, heaving out a heavy sigh.

" he said he was in love with someone else, and then he left me." taehyung whimpered, cradling his freshly bought ice cream. "when i tried to keep him from leaving, he told me he wouldn't hesitate to kill me if i got in his way."

"or anyone for that matter." taehyung whispered, gazing into jeongguk's wide eyes.

everything clicked into place.

"i always knew it wouldn't last, i knew he liked someone else." taehyung continued, tears streaming down his cheeks. "and now i finally know who."

taehyung whimpered, moving pat jeongguk with a. bump to his shoulder, trying to keep in his sobs.

jeongguk's wanted to call after him, but taehyung can't be his main concern right now.

the younger's feet moved on their own, slapping against the pavement and back to his apartment.

he grit his teeth, pushing limits he's never even thought he had as he continued to sprint.

he better not lay a finger on her.

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