33 - Step Five (The final step)

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"I... I wanted to keep my distance. You seemed to get close to everyone, including Cartman. I guess I thought if I kept a fearful look you'd stay away. we saw how that worked out," he said with a small chuckle and I sighed. 

"Why?" I asked and he frowned. 

"I don't know. Protective instincts I guess," he said with a shrug and I nodded, not sure if he meant protecting himself or me. 

"What about that guy you were with at the cafe? I think his name was Bill, who was he?" he asked and I shrugged. 

"My social worker, he is sort of like my father/brother figure to me," I said and he seemed relieved. 

"And Mike?" he asked and I nodded. 

"We've been best friends since we first met really. We lost contact for a while, but when Bill came by that time in the sh-shop he gave me Mike's number," I said and he nodded. 

"Tweek, I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but this is the last I promise," he said and I nodded. 

"When you found out about... well my dad... and what I do... you didn't question any of it. you didn't question why he did it, why I did what I do; you didn't ask for me to stop. You didn't do anything really... why?" he asked and his tone showed he was slightly hurt by my previous actions. 

"I didn't question why because I knew why. Your father b-beats you and you do what you do to keep you in reality; it helps you cope with it and reminds you that everything he calls or tells you isn't true," I said quietly and he nodded. 

"I didn't tell you to stop because of that-" 

"So you were okay with me trying to... kill myself?" He hesitantly asked and I shook my head. 

"No, you are trying to. The cuts that were recent weren't deep enough to be capable of that. They were deep enough to scar and cause enough pain to help though," I explained and he nodded. 

"How do you-" 

"I do it..." I quickly interupt him. He was silent for a second, his face shocked and I was ready for him to yell at me. 

"But you don't have-"

"My upper leg. Easier to hide," I cut him off again and he looked at me shocked again. 

"Were you bullied that bad?" he asked and I shrugged. 

"It wasn't just the bullying," I said and he slowly got up from his seat across from mine, careful not to shake the cart, and moved around the center pole to sit next to me. 

He gently wrapped his arms around me, causing me to slightly flinch, and rested his chin on my head. 

"Do you still-" this time he cut himself off. 

"Not recently," I said and I felt him relax a bit. 

"That's good," he said and I smiled. 

"Thanks," I muttered and he gently kissed the top of my head, making me blush. 

"Anytime," he said and rested his head on mine with his arm on my shoulders. 

We were silent from then on. It wasn't awkward though. I noticed Clyde and Token look over at our cart. Let's just Say they both may or may not be dead now. (I literally just heard a loud pitch scream once they looked away and I've seen no sign of them sense) 

When we finally stopped it was at the top and I sighed. 

"Damn, this view is amazing. Don't you think?" Craig asked, standing up and looking over the edge of the cart. I nodded at his change of subject and carefully looked over the cart.

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