cptr. 1

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It had been about a month since I met Evee, and not much had really happened besides having to do a bunch of homework and transfer it to French just to get a bit ahead of the program. Evee helped in every way she could, but she said she was a fairly new kwami compared to the other ones that existed so she wasn't too 'worldly'. So she was extremely poor when it came to history, but she was surprisingly good at math.

That was handy sure, but, I was more worried about my french speaking abilities than anything else, even if I'd been working my ass off to nail it. Mom was also working hard to speak French, but Charlie didn't seem too worried about it.

Despite my seemingly constant pestering for him to at least learn a bit more than just the basics.

Anyways, I was on track with my homework, a little ahead even which was really good news for me, since I am moving to a drastically different place and such.

Speaking of moving I was actually in the airport right now, waiting for the flight to be announced. I had Evee hiding in a roomy shoulder bag I'd bought for her, which was currently sitting in my lap, protectively.

"Y/n..!" Her small voice called out. Casually I opened my bag slightly (it had a zipper with a handle on the inside too) and rested my head in my hand while curling over Evee, trying to make talking to my bag look as natural as possible.

"Yeah?" I whispered quietly, eyeing around us.

"I'm hungry!" She cried urgently looking up at me with her tall ears back to keep them out of sight. "Do you have any wafers left?"

My eyes widened at her request. "What? I just fed you like thirty minutes ago!" I said grabbing both sides of the bag.

The hare made a sad face. "I know, but I'm still hungryyyy!" She whined with her little paws on her belly. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I aimlessly dug through my luggage for some goldfish crackers.

I'd fished them out and slipped some fish crackers in the bag, only for the food to be greeted with a groan. "What? What's wrong?" I asked with a slight frown.

"I asked for wafers." She said down-heartedly while puffing out her chubby cheeks.

"Well it's not my fault that you've been inhaling them like a vacuum!" I argued loudly down at the bag, only for a passing couple to slowly walk passed me with concerned looks. I pursed my lips into a timid, embarrassed smile. "Uh, heh... My purse is a lot bigger on the inside heh heh... Heh..." Once they passed, still seemingly weirded out, I hurriedly dumped as much as I could inside before zipping the stuffed bag shut.

I could practically feel the sheer amount of crumbs that would indefinitely coat the inside of the purse.

Waiting a few more minutes Charlie and Mom came into view, returning from their lengthy restroom visit. "Hey Y/n! You ready to go to je suis Paris?" Charlie asked happily as he skipped towards me.

I laughed at his words. "That makes absolutely no sense." I said as he sat next to me. "You are not going to do well there."

Charlie shrugged in response and shoved his hand in the open, half filled goldfish bag. "Well, I'm sure a bunch of people know English too so it's not a big deal." He said as he stuffed his mouth full and purposefully chewed in my face.

I recoiled from his open mouth. "Ugh, you are disgusting." I groaned, pushing him away by the head.

Right as Mom was about to scold us both, a sudden bing sounded from the speakers to which the voice of a monotone woman followed.

"Passengers for flight GA 623 to Paris, please proceed to gate 15 and prepare for boarding."

"That's us." Mom chirped excitedly, pulling out the one way plane tickets, completely forgetting about getting after us as she gathered her bags in her hand. "Let's go kids." She said helping Charlie with his stuff.

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