There, of course, there were things I could think about and could make out more than clearly, but, they were things I'd rather not think about. Or, more appropriately, rather not admit them. Though I knew I'd have to eventually, because, well, not everything can always go the way I hope.

But, I can't help but wish.

"Are Jiseon and Mark coming back soon?"

I was upstairs for a few hours after Aera's promise, and I really hadn't been in the mood to keep my day clothes on. After an extremely cold and windy day, it was nice to take off my makeup and change into comfortable clothes. So, moreover, I was planning on staying that way for as long as I could.

"Oh, them?" Aera paused, thinking. "I don't really know. Like I said, they left a while ago for groceries, but I don't think it'd take this long,"

I hummed in response, going over to help her take a couple things out of the fridge. There were only some basic ingredients in there, so if Jiseon and Mark didn't get back before we started, it wouldn't be a huge deal.

"Do you think there's something going on between them?" I asked, putting a package of noodles on the counter.

She just laughed. "Definitely. Have you even seen the way he looks at her?"

"Yeah," I drew out a sigh as I grabbed a pan out of the cabinet. "Must be nice, you know, having someone like that,"

She gave me a look of what seemed like pity before putting a hand on my shoulder and saying, "don't speak too soon. There's still Hyeokjae,"

I just kept my head down and nodded, not knowing how to reply to that. We kept getting everything out, putting the pan on the stove and the rest of the food on the counter.

"Hey, I know I'm not supposed to ask about this, but can I know one thing?" Aera asked, breaking the silence.

I didn't answer immediately, pointlessly rearranging the peppers and packs of noodles that I'd previously laid on the counter. "Sure,"

"Why didn't it go well?"

Of all questions.

I just drew out a sigh and shrugged. "I mean, I guess I thought it was fun, but I don't think he seemed that interested at the end,"

"Oh, Dohyeong-"

I shook my head, interrupting her. "It's not that big of a deal. If he doesn't like me, then he doesn't like me,"

"I'm sorry. But, you know, maybe you're wrong and he was just nervous,"

I sighed softly. "Yeah. I hope."

A few mistakes and injuries on my part later, we'd ended up with something that looked like food. It looked good, to be honest, even with the both of our experiences.

I had thought it was nice, being able to laugh and spend time with my best friend like this, but when Aera took off her oven mitts, she had exhaustion practically radiating off of her. And I knew that part of it was my fault, so I couldn't help but apologise.

"I'm sorry," I retracted sheepishly with a laugh, "You look exhausted. I could've made something myself,"

She barely spared me a glance, waving it off as she put the mitts away. "No, it's fine. How's your finger?"

Aera had decided it would be a good decision to only tell me that I was holding the knife wrong after I cut myself again, so I now had a bleeding finger again.

I now almost habitually looked down at it now, sighing. Hopefully this wouldn't happen anymore, because I wasn't expecting Taeyong to show up with a bandaid in his palm like a, well, angel, every time I hurt myself. Though, that would be nice.

"I'm fine," I told her. "Do we have band-aids? It's around time I replace the other one, anyway,"

She took in a breath as she looked around, "Uh, no. I don't think so. Want me to go out and buy some?"

"No, it's fine. Since we're already done, I'll just go," I said.

"You sure?"

I nodded, already grabbing my keys off the counter. "It's no big deal. See you back here with the missing pair?'

She laughed. "I hope so,"


When I walked in the convenience store, the temperature was an immediate change. Because though it was cold outside, it was comfortably warm inside. It made me feel blissfully cosy and careless in my leggings and oversized sweatshirt, even when I knew there was a pretty big chance that Taeyong was smiling as he walked behind me.

"You look like a kid," He told me, amusement in his hushed voice as my predictions came true.

But I just ignored him.

I truthfully didn't really like it when he spoke to me in public. Because, if it was just the two of us, I probably would've responded. But, I couldn't now. If I could, it would probably be something witty, most likely. But that would've probably just prompted him to say something else.

And though it was nice, it was still a little weird.

We walked in silence for another minute or so, walking up a few aisles as I looked for bandages. And it was a soothing quiet, with almost no one else there because it was around the middle of the time people usually ate dinner.

He broke the easy silence, part of a warning escaping his lips before I could notice. "Turn into another aisle,"

I didn't listen again. He stopped when I stopped, with another sigh.

"Dohyeong," He sounded slightly disappointed but not surprised, his voice resting placidly.

But, honestly, I wasn't really paying attention to him. Because, I was face to face with one of the prettiest faces I'd ever seen; even now, when it was nearing the end of the day. She was wearing almost the equivalent of what I'd worn yesterday, the only difference being that she pulled off jeans and a sweater way better than I did.

But before I could look away, she noticed me staring and graced me with an admittedly charming smile.



AN: i'm publishing a new book soon! the preview is out, but the first chapter will be out when I finish the other book I'm currently working on, which literally has about 5 chapters left. the new one is a jaehyun story, and if you like royalty, murder, and nct, then i'd suggest checking it out ;)

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