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Since none of the Venues was anything, we were looking for we headed out for a late lunch before we headed back to My Mom's and step dad's place. "Alright since all of them was a no, Elle and I will be going dress shopping then we will come back here and take everyone out later ok," I said.

"Sounds like a plan, since the guys and I need to go tux shopping," Gabe said giving me a quick kiss and headed off to find his groomsmen since Tucker is his best man. I walked over to the driver side and got in when Elle walked out of the house.

"Hey Anna, how was it. did you find any venue that the two of you liked?" Elle asked as she got buckled in and I pulled out of the driveway. "No, we didn't pick one. cause none of them was what we were looking for" I answered.

"Well tomorrow is your last hope, and it's also what you were really wanting."

"Yea, I know plantations is our last hope and I really would like if we can find the perfect one."

We pulled into the parking spot and got out. "I made an appointment for this one so we can just go in and tell them it's under Bennington," Elle tells me as I open the door and allow her in first. "alrighty" I reply and follow her in.

"Oh, one more thing. your mom will be meeting us, she and your step dad Dillion are out at lunch." I went to say something but a young guy walked up "Hello ladies, do you have an appointment?" he asked as he clasped his hands together.

"We do it's under Bennington," I tell him and he checks the appointment book. "Ah, so which of you is my February bride?" he asked looking back up at me and Elle. "That would be her" Elle answers as she nudges my shoulder, as I held my hand up.

"Alright give me one second and I will get someone to help you, ladies, if you want you can look around," the gentleman tells us and I head off over to the ball gown section. While Elle is in the mermaid section.

I reached up and took a dress off the rack right when a lady approached me. "I see you are going for the princess ball gown," she said and I jumped not really paying attention that she was right there.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you," she said "Oh no your fine I was distracted," I tell her as I keep looking at the dress. "well my name is Krissy and I will be taking care of you girls today. I see you brought your bridesmaid, is some others goanna join or no?" Krissy asked
"My mom will be joining us later" I informed her.

"Ok well let us get you to a dressing room so you can try this dress on and see how it really looks." I nodded my head and followed her.

"I will be over there in a second Ana" Elle calls out "Ok" I reply and walked into the dressing room as Krissy hung up the dress.

"So, your name is Ana?" she asked "no it's Anastasia, but she calls me Ana, my maid of honor calls my Staci" I answered " You have a beautiful name" I smiled in thanks and started to strip out of my clothes. The dress I was looking at had caught my attention as did some of the others but I just wanted to look at how this particular one looked on me.

Spiral Into My Heart (completed) (total update) (ITS NOT PERFECTLY WRITEN)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang