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"Alright Anastasia it says here you want to confirm a pregnancy," Doctor Karter said looking at my file in her hand. "Yes ma'am" I replied as she looked up at me then looked back at the file "Ok well there are two options one is a urine test and the other is a blood," she says while placing my file down and giving me her full attention. "Let's do blood," I told her hoping that would be the quickest way to find out.

"Alright I will be right back" I nodded my head as she got up and left. I looked around the room trying to think of anything but Gabriel leaving me, or me calling off this wedding. "hello I am nurse Tracy" a young lady said as she walked in with a silver tray that held the supplies needed to do the blood test.

"Hello" I greeted her. "Alright which arm are we gonna take the blood from. I lifted up my left arm since that one already had a blood vain ready to go. "Ok," she said then sat the stuff down slipped on gloves, cleaned the area before taking a butterfly needle and poking it in my arm then attacked a vial to it.

" How long have you been a nurse?" I asked to kill the little time this would take. "I have been a nurse for a full three months" she replied and swapped the vials. " Do you like it so far?" she looked up at me and smiled.

" I love it, I mean I get to work with kids, and in a great doctor's office with friendly people who are generous enough to offer help if I need it." She removed remove the tubes before she removed the needle then held the gauze in place before wrapping it up.

"That is always a great thing" she smiled and nodded her head. "Alright well I will get these to the lab and the doctor should have the results in a few minutes," she tells me then walks out the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I sat there and waited still thinking about all the possible outcomes and how I would make it on my own, where I would live and how I would raise my baby if I am in fact pregnant. Before the last time, Gabe and I had sex we made love a couple of weeks ago in celebration of his award for sexiest man alive. I was so lost in thought I lost track of time and never noticed the Doctor coming back in until she spoke.

"Alright Anastasia here are the results and it looks like you are in fact pregnant. I have scheduled you an appointment with an Obgyn for tomorrow at four" Doctor Karter said as she handed me my discharge papers and the Obgyn information. "Thank you very much Dr. Karter," I say as I shake her hand then walk out.

I headed over to the Obgyn's office and walked inside to get the paperwork I would need to fill out for tomorrow then headed to the local diner and got me and Gabe something to eat before I headed home. I don't really know how I am gonna tell him that I am pregnant, then watch as he walks out of my life for good. "Not gonna happen, dear," my heart tells me as I head back to my car with the food. I could only hope my heart is right and that he won't leave me and that he will be happy to know he is gonna be a dad.

I don't know if I am thrilled that I see his car in the driveway or what my emotion is right now. But I do know that he is wanting to talk so that is what we will do. "Just please don't break my heart" I begged silently to myself.

Spiral Into My Heart (completed) (total update) (ITS NOT PERFECTLY WRITEN)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें