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After Gabe showed up and was speechless with how I look, Anne rushed us out so we can get our date underway. So now here I am sitting in Gabe's passenger seat listening to him talk about practice today and how he got sacked by Tucker. The facial expression he made while explaining how hard Tucker sacked him made me laugh.

Once we arrive Gabe got out and made his way over to my door and let me out, "Thank you" He smiled then grabbed my hand which kind of shocked me. "Ready?" he asked once I got over my shock I looked up at him and nodded "yes" I replied.

He lead the way inside the restaurant and up to the hostess. "Hello and welcome to Remi's do you have reservations?" she asked looking between the two of us. " Yes, it's under Bennington" Gabe replies and she looks at the sheet in front of her before grabbing two menus. "Right this way" she says then walks off with us right behind her.

"Here we are," the hostess says, I let go of Gabe's hand and slide into the booth while he sits across from me. "Your server will be right with you." she tells us then walked off. I picked up the menu and started to read all the options. "So, while we wait would you like to get acquainted?" Gabe asked.

I laid the menu down and looked at him. " We can," I tell him as I sit back clasping my hands together. "Great who shall go first?" he asked placing his hands-on top of his menu. "Um, how about you go first" I answer. I am not gonna lie, I am nervous but little by little I am relaxing. "Ok then. Well as you may know my name is Gabriel Bennington, I am the quarterback for the University of Washington, I have four siblings three brothers and one sister" he says.

"Awe poor girl. you guys must have been mean to her" I say which makes Gabe chuckle.

"Actually, she is the oldest so it was the other way around," he said with the kind of smile that can drive a girl mad. "Oh, so she was the mean big sister huh?" I asked, he nodded and chuckled "yeah she was and still is." I chuckle.

"Anyways I was born in Atlanta GA. my family and I moved to Charleston South Carolina when I was five. After graduating high school I got a football scholarship to The University of Washington, where I am majoring in Physical therapy in case my football career takes a turn for the worse.knock on wood" he said then knocked on the table after finishing his introduction of himself.

"Ok, my turn," I said, right when I was about to speak the waiter came and made his presence known. "Hello I am Grady I will be your server today what can I start the two of you off with for drinks," the waiter asked cutting in. "I will take a sweet tea please'' I tell him. He jotted down my drink order then turned to Gabriel "and you?" Grady asked as he looked at Gabe. "I will take the same thing to please" Gabe Answered.

Grady nodded and wrote down Gabe's drink order. "Alright, two sweet teas coming up" tells us before walking off.

"You were saying," Gabe said looking back at me. I looked from Grady retreating form back to Gabe. "Well, I am Anastasia Harver I was born in Wilmington Delaware, my family and I moved to Charleston South Carolina when I was four. I have three siblings all boys. I am the baby of the family so you can guess what that is like."

He chuckles "that hard being the baby of three boys?" I looked at him like you have no idea. "Yes, it is, especially when they were taking the role seriously when it came to dates and dances." He just laughed more, I smiled as I watched him laugh. "Here you go would you like more time or are you ready to order" Grady asked after placing our drinks in front of us.

"I will take the mushroom pasta Carbonara, "I tell Grady and watch as he writes it down. "For you sir?" he looks over at Gabe " I'll have the Gnocchi chicken skillet," Gabe tells him then watches Grady as he writes it before telling us he will have our orders in and it should be about fifteen minutes before taking his leave again.

"Anyways, I got a scholarship to the University of Washington, where I major in Sports medicine. I like sports but never played them in school. my mom wanted me to do the girly things like ballet, gymnastics, dance, etc." I go back to what I was saying before.

"Sounds like you had a busy schedule" Gabe jokes I laughed while nodding my head "yea you could say that" I reply then look at him for a brief minute before taking a drink of my tea." Wait I remember you" I looked up at him from the menu Grady forgot to take with him.

"Back in grade school you were the cute shy girl who only talked with her best friend, and was really good at um, dang it what was it?" he asked and groaned in frustration with his self. "Gym," I said trying to help him. " Not only that but you were good at social studies," he said I blushed at his comment. I was the nerd for history. "The same thing through middle and high school," he said and I was a little shocked that he actually noticed me.

Spiral Into My Heart (completed) (total update) (ITS NOT PERFECTLY WRITEN)Where stories live. Discover now